re(IMAGE)ing Black Femme Art: Final Thoughts

“And when that call comes

You better say hello, no hesitation
No hiding deep down below
No beg your pardon
You better stay and grow your liberation
For your lonely soul”


The question we wish to address through this exhibit is: How do we experience artwork beyond the surface of meaning when “reading” black culture?

Through the selected works of three visionary black femme artists, we have concluded that to read beyond the surface of meaning is to understand the implications behind the construction of black femme artists’ pieces.

As well as the construction, or (re)construction of their images. The only weapon against controlling images may very well be to control the images themselves, and each of these pieces represents a different model for how that has and may continue to be done.

From making calls to the historically unappreciated labor of black women (Ballard), to casting oneself in the roles of designer, model, and photographer (Douglas), to blatantly interrogating one’s own capacity to speak truth to power (Noname). These pieces when arranged together invite discussion on labor, art, and the construction of the self for black women across America and the world.

“Or you’ll be on your own”