“My Lover is a Woman” by Pat Parker Rationale

In My Lover Is A Woman, black, lesbian poet Pat Parker grapples with the challenges and nuances of being an openly queer black woman.  She immediately uses the erotic as Audre Lorde defines it in that she allows her feelings of joy that are explicitly connected to her female lover are allowed to breathe regardless of her family’s distain for her queerness. This piece is a stunning depiction of the potential that lies within allowing oneself to be led by knowledge that stems from emotion, especially for black queer women.

When we look at this piece in the context of Whitney Houston, it becomes clear just how rebellious of an act being queer is in our American culture.  Parker calls to the negativity that she felt from her family and friends because of her queer identity.  It isn’t hard to imagine then, why Houston was reluctant to come out, knowing how it would impact her career as Robyn Crawford alluded to in our introduction video.

If queer black bodies is a rebellious act, can it be normalized? What is more, what will happen if it is normalized?


