“I’ve wanted a tattoo of a fruit or vegetable for a while. I used to have friends draw on my arms with sharpie–artichokes, lemons, and really anything they wanted. I liked having something there, and I could experiment and then wash the artwork off at the end of the day. Last year, I decided to bring this idea to fruition. Figs came to mind first. They’re beautiful, for starters. I wasn’t in the business of putting permanent ugly art on my body, even if that ugly art had plenty of sentimental value. More than that, though, they remind me of my mom. Nothing compares to a ripe, perfectly in-season fig from the farmers market, and she knew that better than anyone. The tattoo gives me an excuse to buy figs whenever I see them, and to talk about my mother a little more than I otherwise might. It’s the perfect memorial for a perfect woman (using the perfect fruit).”