By Bella Yaguda '22, Jamie Mastrogiacomo '22, Myrrh Brooks '22, Olivia Davis '22, Bena Williams '22, Lauryn Small '22, Channy Cornell '22, Sofie Koonce ’22, Andie Smiley '22, Elsa Hillis '22

Senior Book Studies Concentrators will present work from their capstone projects


Elsa Hillis, “A Witch: Translation and Book Design”
Channy Cornell  “Pseudonyms & Satire: Writing down the unwritten word”
Bella Yaguda “The Encyclopedic Instinct”


Sofie Koonce “Translating Catullus for the Here and Now”
Lauryn Small “Digital Accessibility, Resources and Distribution in Modern Libraries”
Jamie Mastrogiacomo “Matters Pertaining to Women: Conduct Books and the Early Movement for Women’s Suffrage”


Olivia Davis “Indigo Twilight”
Andie Smiley Making the Whole Book: Writer, Producer, and Artist.
Myrrh Brooks “Block Printed Dos À Dos Book – From Equinox to Equinox”
Bena Williams “Golden Age of Lesbian Pulp Fiction”

A presentation deriving from a Concentration Project with Doug Patey, Sophia Smith Professor of English Language and Literature, Barry Moser, Irwin and Pauline Alper Glass Professor of Art, Shannon Supple, Curator of Rare Books in Libraries, Cornelia Pearsall, Professor of English Language and Literature, and Jenna Lanterman, Electronic Resources and Discovery Librarian in Libraries