芷瑜 Proposal

What is it you want to talk about? (It can be an object, a piece of music, a story, a family tradition, etc.)

  • I want to talk about a white jade carved as a cabbage my grandfather gifted to my mother.

What is the story behind it?

  • Although my grandfather considered it to be a precious stone, he decided to give it to my mother before she immigrated to America in her 20s, so I believe my grandfather is always worried about her and misses her. This jade was my grandfather’s way of “protecting” my mother and wishing her success, as cabbages symbolize wealth and white jades symbolize prosperity, success, and good luck. 

What does it say about you, your family, or the associated people?

  • My parents constantly tell me about their struggles when they first immigrated to the US. They started with little to no money, moved around a lot, and worked hard to create a comfortable life for us. I am always thankful for the life I have now, and believe it is all due to my parents hard work and struggles. Now, I believe that this white jade does not only represent my grandfather’s protection and love, I believe this jade also represents my mothers strength and growth as she developed a career and family in the US. 

How are you going to present this story? How are you going to engage the listeners throughout the podcast?

  1. I will start with a question – What do you think a cabbage symbolizes? What do you think a cabbage symbolizes in Chinese culture? 
  2. I will introduce how my grandfather decided to give my mother a white jade and what it symbolizes. 
  3. I will then talk about my parents’ struggles immigrating to the US and what this jade might symbolize now, and why it’s a precious object to my family and I. 
  4. Finally, I will talk about how this story impacts me – how I felt as an Asian American at a young age and how it has changed; how I am thankful for all my parents have done for me. I will ask if others have similar experiences as members of immigrant families. 

Do you plan to interview other people? *(check the requirements of interviews below)

  • I plan to interview my mother. 

Prepare a few images to post along with your proposal on the WordPress site.

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