The “Climate Justice Symposium: Exploring Feminist Interventions and Possibilities” (Friday- Saturday, September 20- 21) will convene scholars, artists, students, activists, and professionals for a dynamic interdisciplinary symposium.
The symposium seeks to galvanize participants, urging them to take bold action in addressing the climate crisis. Delving deeper than mere examination, we aim to explore how the intersectionality of gender and climate can foster innovative approaches to social change and transformative climate justice. Together, participants will discuss dismantling patriarchal structures that perpetuate climate apartheid, offering collective visions for climate justice.
Central to our mission is amplifying BIPOC voices and the nuanced narratives of the Global South. By providing inclusive spaces for dialogue and exchange, we aim to bridge divides and cultivate diverse perspectives. Our program emphasizes hands-on engagement, encouraging participants to explore and create through interdisciplinary lenses, including artistic expressions.
The symposium focuses on climate justice scholarship, activism, and art around 3 themes: Food and Land, Energy and Natural Resources, and Health and Well-being.
Registration for the symposium is now closed. You can email the organizing committee at with questions or concerns.