Blackout Poetry · June 9, 2022

A blackout poem made from a page of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. The page is colored red, pink, purple, and orange. Dried flowers, as well as fake flowers, are attached to the paper. The poem is both typed and handwritten.

By Steffi Ordway

to think
what they are through our nights and days
To think other men will make great accounts of them
To think difference will still continue yet we lie
beyond the difference.
To think how much pleasure there is
enjoy yourself
with your family
with your mother and sisters? and
the beautiful maternal cares
These flow to others
I flow onward,
in time I think how
you are still you
What will be will be well, for what is is well,
The joys the daily building
weight, form.
The difference between sin and goodness is no delusion
The earth is not an echo.