Blackout Poetry · May 7, 2022

A blackout poem made from a page of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. Words of the poem are crossed out with whiteout.

By Leo Smith @_leo.sun

walk shores of my sea,
Hear the waves little voice,
the divine infant wailing,
the roar of falling buildings,
sick from the blood
in heaps
the desperate repeated guns.
what could I say to retribution?
I wish humanity different.
I wish people made of justice time.
for me!
the blaze, the axe,
fetch them out in the case of need,
long represt, can never be destroy’d,
full of vengeance.
I salute the sea,
I do not deny that baptism,
the little voice that I heard wailing
trust these words with love,
I guess some will understand them,
there is latent floods
I hear the drowning