Blackout Poetry · May 7, 2022

A blackout poem made from a page of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.  Words are covered with bark-like construction paper and  black colored pencil.

By DA ’22

O take my hand
Such gliding wonders! such sights
Such join’d unended links, each hook’d to the
Each answering all, each sharing the earth with

What widens within you
What waves and soils exuding?
What climes? what persons and cities are here?
Who are the infants, some playing, some slumbering?
Who are the girls? who are the married women?
Who are the groups of old men going slowly with their
about each other’s necks?
What rivers are these? what forests and fruits are these?
What are the mountains call’d that rise so high in the mists?
What myriads of dwellings are they fill’d with dwellers?

Within me latitude widens, longitude lengthens,
Asia, Africa, Europe, are to the east—America is provided for in the west,
Banding the bulge of the  the hot equator,
Curiously north and
Within me is rings, it does

What do you hear