Add a Google Slide Presentation to WordPress

You can add a google slides presentation directly to your WordPress post or page. This documentation explains how.


In your Google Slides presentation, at the top right side of the page, click File, then Publish to the web. The “Publish to the web” window will open.


In the “Publish to the web” window, click the Embed tab.


(Optional) In the “Embed” tab options, change the Slide size to Large (1440×839). Change the Auto-advance slides to every minute.



Click Publish. A confirmation message will appear on the screen. Click OK. The Embed code will appear at the bottom of the “Publish to the web” window. Copy the URL from the embed code, the URL starts from https to 3000, see example below:


Go to your course WordPress site. Open or create a new WordPress post.


In the “Add New Post” page, under the content area, click the Text tab. Then, write:

[smithgooglepresent h=”560″ url=”YOUR_URL“]


On the right side of the page, under the Categories block, select your Group number. Then, under the “Publish” block, click Publish. Your new Google Slide post will appear on the front-end under your category menu link.

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Last modified: February 23, 2018