Create a Moodle Quiz

A Moodle Quiz activity consists of a pre-defined set of questions administered by the instructor of the course. Moodle Quiz questions are stored in a Question Bank that can be transferred onto different courses. Question types on a Moodle Quiz have a wide range of possibilities. From Multiple choice questions and essays to matching and drag and drop exercises.

Add a Moodle Quiz Activity to Your Course


At the top right side of your course, click Turn editing on.


Find the section of your course where you want to add the Moodle Quiz activity, then click on +Add an activity or resource. The “Add an activity or resource” window will open.


In the “Add an activity or resource” window, click on Quiz, then Add. The “Adding a new Quiz” page will open.


In the “Adding a new Quiz” page, name your quiz (required). In this page you could also set the quiz timing, the number of attempts allowed (under Grade), the layout of your quiz and the question behavior.

Note: These are overall settings of your quiz, adding questions and setting question values happens once your quiz has been created.


Once you have completed setting up the overall settings of your quiz, at the bottom of the page, click Save and display. The Quiz activity will open.

Add Questions to your Quiz Activity


Open the Moodle Quiz activity. Then, click on Edit quiz. The “Editing quiz” page will open.


In the “Editing quiz” page, on the right side of the screen, click the Add drop down arrow. The Add menu will open. If this is your first time creating a question or you want to create a new question for your quiz, click + a new question. The “Choose a question type to add” window will open.


Note: If you have created questions in the past and you would like to add them to your newly created quiz, click + from question bank to select a specific question or + a random question to select a category of questions where a random question will be pulled out for each respondent.


From the “Choose a question type to add” window, select the question type you would like to use. Then, click Add. The “Adding a [question type] question” page will open.


In the “Adding a [question type] question” page, select a category for the question (recommended), enter a Question name, then under the “Question text” section, enter the question prompt. Lastly, select the default points you would like your question to weight.

Multiple Choice question example.



(Multiple Choice Questions Only) If you are using a multiple choice question, use the “Answers” section, to add each option using the “Choice” blocks. Then, select the correct answer by giving it 100% under the grade section.

Note: If you have multiple correct answers, you can change the percentage so that the sum of all the correct answers are considered the full grade of the question.

Setting options and correct answer on a Multiple choice question type.

Once you have defined your question parameters, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save changes. The “Editing quiz” page will open with the new question listed below.


Repeat the previous steps as needed until you have completed the quiz. To review your quiz, click the Preview icon on the right side of the question.

You will be able to see how the question will display to the students.

To make changes, or edit your question further, exit the preview and click on the gear located to the left of the question’s name.

We'd love your feedback!

Last modified: September 25, 2020