Add VoiceThread or Perusall to Moodle

The process of linking your Moodle course with a third party tool is the same for VoiceThread and Perusall. This page summarizes the initial step-by-step process to get your course linked to these tools.


Go to the main page of your Moodle course. On the  top-right side of the page, click Turn editing on. Editing icons will appear.


Find the topic or section area where you want to add a link to your desired third party tool.  Click +Add an activity or resource. The activity chooser will open.



From the activity chooser, select External tool. Then, click Add. The “Adding a new External tool” page will open.


In the “Adding a new External tool” page, enter an Activity name and select the desired tool (VoiceThread or Perusall) from the “Preconfigured tool” drop-down menu.


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and return to course.


From the main page of your course, click the newly created link. You will be redirected to the third party tool interface. Configure your assignments as desired using the external tool interface.

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Last modified: September 8, 2020