Edit Images in WordPress

If the image is too big, rotated, flipped, or it has unnecessary content, the “Edit Image” feature from WordPress will help you to make such changes. This page presents two ways to access the basic image editor.

Accessing the “Edit Image” menu from the Media Library


Go to your “Dashboard” of your site. On the left side of the page, click Media, then Library. The “Media Library” will open.


In the “Media Library”, find the image you want to edit. Click the image once. The “Attachment Details” page will open.

Edit Image menu
Edit Image menu (click to enlarge)

In the “Attachment Details” page, right below the image, click Edit Image. The “Edit Image” menu will open.

Accessing the “Edit Image” menu from a Post or Page


Go to your “Edit Page” or “Edit Post” page. On the Edit Page/Post page, click the Image. The “Image options” menu will open.


In the “Image options” menu, click the Edit icon. The “Image Details” page will open.

Accessing Edit image from Page or Post
Accessing Edit image from Page or Post (click to enlarge)

In the “Image Details” page, right below the image, click Edit Original. The “Edit Image” menu will open.

Editing an Image using the “Edit Image” menu


In the “Edit Image” menu, at the top of the image you want to edit, seven options will be available. From left to right, “Crop”, “Rotate to left”, “Rotate to right”, “Flip horizontally”, “Flip vertically”, “Undo”, and “Redo”.

Edit Image options
Edit Image options

By default, when opening the “Edit Image” menu, “Crop” will be active. To crop an image, simply click the image and, holding the click, drag the mouse around the area you would like to keep.

Cropping an image
Cropping an image

To confirm the crop, click the crop icon. The image will refresh to show its new size.


To rotate or flip the image, simply click the icons located at the top of the image. The image will refresh to its new orientation.


On the right side of the page, three more options will be available: “Scale image”, “Image crop”, and “Thumbnail Settings”.

  • Scale Image changes the dimensions of the image. Note: It is not recommended to scale to a bigger size than the original dimensions. That could lead to a pixelated image.
  • Image crop will show you the aspect ratio that results from the cropping process.
  • The thumbnail is a small image preview displayed in the “Media Library” and in featured locations in some themes. Below the “Thumbnail Settings”, the “Apply changes to:” option is available. By default, any changes made through this editing process will be applied to all the image sizes. However, you can apply the changes on different levels.

    Image Scale and Thumbnail
    Image Scale and Thumbnail

To confirm the changes made, below the image, click Save.

For more information about in depth information about this WordPress tool, visit the Edit Media article from WordPress Codex.

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Last modified: July 28, 2017