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Ode to Dirt: An Apology to Dirt, Nature, and Culture

An apology to Dirt, Nature and Culture

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Ode to Dirt An Apology to Dirt, Nature, and Culture


In a world of constant technological advances and environmental issues, nature and traditions are often overlooked. Through this project, I wanted to present mixed media to portray the importance of enriching our cultural knowledge and protecting our environment. The originality of my text comes from the formatting of the diverse resources I decided to include. Firstly, I was inspired to use Sharon Olds's poem “Ode to Dirt '', which explores a human regret towards taking dirt for granted. This idea, combined with the voices of Bri Bri women, ancient art in danger of disappearing from Costa Rica, depicts an apology for human negligence towards nature and cultural traditions. Furthermore, I wanted to use the film “La Jetée” as an aesthetic guide. I decided to include the same concept and framework of "film photography" with a set of black and white professional photographs. In terms of utilizing others' work, my project could be considered plagiarism since I did not explicitly use something created by me. The pictures belong to diverse photographers, the poem was written and spoken by Sharon Olds, and the song was composed by the BriBri indigenous women. However, I cite my sources in the key section, and the message I want to convey comes from a personal experience. Being abroad has made me realize the role nature plays in my life. Wherever I go, I always find peace in the green open spaces, colorful flowers, and exotic animals. I admire Sharon Olds’s writing style and usage of words, and I wanted to show my gratitude towards her art. The value of creating relies on transforming ideas and perfecting them. Through the representation of nature and culture with diverse media, I believe my project is original and brings something new to the artistic world.

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