The backsides of Mount Holyoke postcards.
Top left corner is dated 11/30/10, addressed to David B. Tyzzer, Florence’s brother. It reads “We had the prettiest kind of a snowfall Monday night and all day yesterday, and all the campus is just as lovely as the picture. Tell Mamma it was a relief to get the things I forgot. I was more [unable to transcribe] I was worth at the time. I can’t send this letter till the last of the week, for I am still preparing for two ferries, and working on an English paper. With love to all, Florence”
The top right card is dated 3/15/1911, Addressed to Florence’s mother. It reads “Only a postal tonight, to tell you I am thinking of you, but the day has been made so [smeared ink] that I couldn’t write. Aunt Clare and Mrs. Ayard came at two and stayed till four, then Mrs. Pollineu didn’t [cannot transcribe] and I was quite disappointed. The last B.B [cannot transcribe] came today, and to [cannot transcribe] the freshman and Junior teams. Edith Osgood called after dinner. She is here for a few days. Five days more-Love to all, Florence”

The last written postcard is addressed to Florence’s father, undated. It reads “Dear papa, ‘this here [cannot transcribe] appearance of a birthday card, and is going to be a day late, but it means just as much as if it were both. With much love, Florence.

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