Personal Life
The front side of several Mount Holyoke postcards.
The backsides of Mount Holyoke postcards.
Top left corner is dated 11/30/10, addressed to David B. Tyzzer, Florence’s brother. It reads “We had the prettiest kind of a snowfall Monday night and all day yesterday, and all the campus is just as lovely as the picture. Tell Mamma it was a relief to get the things I forgot. I was more [unable to transcribe] I was worth at the time. I can’t send this letter till the last of the week, for I am still preparing for two ferries, and working on an English paper. With love to all, Florence”
The top right card is dated 3/15/1911, Addressed to Florence’s mother. It reads “Only a postal tonight, to tell you I am thinking of you, but the day has been made so [smeared ink] that I couldn’t write. Aunt Clare and Mrs. Ayard came at two and stayed till four, then Mrs. Pollineu didn’t [cannot transcribe] and I was quite disappointed. The last B.B [cannot transcribe] came today, and to [cannot transcribe] the freshman and Junior teams. Edith Osgood called after dinner. She is here for a few days. Five days more-Love to all, Florence”
The last written postcard is addressed to Florence’s father, undated. It reads “Dear papa, ‘this here [cannot transcribe] appearance of a birthday card, and is going to be a day late, but it means just as much as if it were both. With much love, Florence.
An array of ephemera. Top left, labeled “Freshman Latin Lecture” in gold glitter ink, a list of names. Lower left, a blue sheet that has been cut off because the corner was torn, appears to be an agenda for a club meeting, with a list of names or titles that have been crossed out.
Center Bottom is a note to Florence Tyzzer, reading “Dear Miss Tyzzer, Faculty Lunch is to be at [obscured due to other paper glued on top] this month. Will you [obscured] and Miss Cutter and one of the sophomores about it, and serve us? Thank you. Sincerely yours, [cut off name]
Lower right is a note for a color vision test appointment.
Center is a card labeled “Sat. Lectures for freshman” in gold ink.
Center top is a calling card of Miss Susan Almira Bacon, whose name has been crossed out, a handwritten note reads “With the compliments and the thanks of the French Department” Labeled “Oral French” in gold.
Top right Corner reads “My dear Miss Tyzzer, May I please meet you in conference on Friday morning at 10.15 in the English office. Sincerely yours, Caroline F. Lester.”
An array of ephemera, the page is labeled “Exercises” in gold ink. Tickets to sporting events as well as cards from the Physical education department to Florence about missing her classes.
A series of Ephemera, most of cards with Florence’s name. The top center card reads “We Shall be Glad to see Freshman Tyzzer Clad in Gym suit appropriately Who are we?- Wait and see!”
A valentines day card, unaddressed, with a dry stem.
A page titled “Odd Letters” in gold ink.
The first letter reads “Lena from Mother by way of ant. Mar. 15. To think that I should have to pay your enormous college bills!!!”
The second letter from this page is partly cut out from magazines, from Florence’s sister, Helen, and her husband, Charles. The first page reads “Home – the last night. Dear Florence, Hello People! We are engaged in writing a letter. You know what the college woman can do if she doesn’t like it. Have you read the new book by S.E on “Why I go to Church”? Illustrated by the author” -continued in next image
All others are imitations – we think we have a quarrel about you. Do you like auburn hair? I just love it. We are all of a perspiration trying to get this done before (illustration of a clock at 12:00). Brighten up, we haven’t many more bright things to say. Charlie says to let him know any time ‘Uneeda’ doctor, and he will return again. Now if we can scare up 5 cents to send this with we’re sure you’ll have a sunny Monday. Love From two practical sweethearts.”
An array of bills and reciepts.
Bills continued
Several letters, invitations to dances and dinners.
Letter from Florence’s mother. “My dear little girl, we are so glad to get your letter and hear something of how you are getting along. Now just you keep on thinking that you don’t have to stay but that you want to for a while anyway. The Murray girl had a letter from Era and she did not speak-” Continued in next image
“of fear of being homesick-Aunt Martha came yesterday and seems pretty comfortable, but her face is all swelled out of proportion. She wears a white bandage most of the time. I wish I could see your room. How do your [cannot transcribe] look and have you enough? I am glad you did not have to make up the curtains and hope you will like them. Aunt Martha brought me some of my great grandmothers aprons. I Will send you a package of pictures art soon-and will write more soon-Have to start to church now. With a heart full of love and a good night kiss, Mother”
A series of invitations to dinner from and to Florence Tyzzer and Associates