In Focus profiles influential and aspiring museum professionals, art enthusiasts, and creatives of color through art and biography. Accompanying each portrait is commentary that illuminates the subject’s life in the arts, including their: career pathways, passions, hopes for their professional field, and the moment they fell in love with and committed themselves to the arts or the museum profession.
Each interview begins with the same question, “Can you tell me about your earliest experience with art or a museum?” And from whatever answer is given to this question, a conversation that is tailored to the interests of the interviewee organically emerged.
While the interviews presented in In Focus highlight the unique experiences of each individual, they also illuminate certain convergences that exist between their personal experiences and narratives. The themes that were threaded throughout each interview include: art as a means of creative expression, art as a platform that provides space for one’s voice to be heard, and art as a medium that conveys more than language. In addition, words such as diversity, representation, voice, and inclusion emerged recurrently.
A Special Thanks to Jessica Berube, Creative Designer of the images on this website. For more information about Jessica visit her artist site: