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Medicinal Plants Native to Europe

The term “Scientific Revolution” refers to drastic changes in scientific thought, generally understood to have occurred between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, although some histories argue that the eighteenth century should be included as well. The sixteenth century is largely defined by the Renaissance, an Italian cultural movement based on the arts, and the early phases of French colonialism. The seventeenth century is known for the reign of Louis XIV, the expansion of French colonialism, and theater. Finally, the eighteenth century is commonly referred to today as the Age of Enlightenment, an era of philosophy and reflections on human nature and society.

The categories listed below include twenty-one plants used for medicinal purposes in France during the Scientific Revolution. When possible, we have included an original drawing from the relevant time period alongside a modern picture. Since the French imported many plants, original depictions are not available for all of those listed below.




Trees & Flowers
