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Scientific Selves: Medicine, Technology and Identity in Early Modern France Posts


Latin name: Filipendula vulgaris Place of origin: Europe and north Asia Description: Dropwort plants have numerous white flowers that grow in dense clusters near the…

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Scientific Name: Crocus sativus belonging to the Iridaceae family  Origin: Middle East  Description: The flower appears in a wide range of colors based on the…

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Latin name: Cichorium intybus Place of origin: Europe, central Russia, and western Asia Description: Chicory is commonly found alongside roads and in other disturbed natural…

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Latin name: Curcuma longa Place of origin: India Description: Turmeric plants have large green leaves that grow close to the ground. The roots, which have…

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Latin name: Zingiber officinale Place of origin: Southeast Asia Description: The ginger plant grows yellow and purple flowers and reaches a maximum height of about…

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Latin name: Pimpinella anisum Place of origin: Egypt Description: Anise seeds come from anise plants which have an average height of two and a half…

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Latin name: Syzygium aromaticum Place of origin: Indonesia Description: The clove tree is an evergreen tree that has a maximum height of between twenty-five and…

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Scientific Name: Cydonia oblonga belonging to the Rosaeceae family  Origin: Asia and Mediterranean  Description: Quince are small trees or shrubs with large green leaves. When…

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Almond oil

Latin name: Prunus amygdalus Place of origin: Western Asia, Mediterranean region Description: Almond trees grow white flowers and drupes, which reveal their seed, also known…

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Scientific Name: Viola odorata in the Violaceae family   Origin: Europe and Asia  Description: Violets often have green heart-shaped petals but it could vary in…

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