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Latin name: Ruta graveolens

Place of origin:  Southern Europe

Description:  Rue is a small shrub with many branches that each have many rounded leaves. Depending on the variety it has yellow or white flowers.

Historical Medicinal Use: It was thought to cure the plague, purge phlegm, remedy tiredness, and treat chest pain (Meurdrac 71).  

Modern Medicinal Use: Rue has been found to be an abortifacient, and an emmenagogue, but to have antispasmodic properties at a low dose. 


Andrea Mattioli, Pietro. Pietri Andreae Mattholi senensis medici Commentarii in sex libros Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medica materia. 1565. 

Fuchs, Leonhart. Histoire des plantes. 1549 

Meurdrac, Marie, and Jean Jacques. La chymie charitable & facile en faveur des dames 1666. CNRS, 1999.

“Rue Uses, Benefits & Dosage.”, 24 July 2023, Accessed 28 April 2024.