WIG goals:
- To connect people interested in gaming
- To open up research areas of interest around games
- To gain a collaborative space that hosts opportunities for discussion where a collection of women’s responses to games can be archived
Event ideas:
Live ‘stream’ ‘Let’s play’
Every other Friday – Meeting agenda:
Next meeting: November 3rd @ 1:00
Demo a walk-through of a game you’re interested in and host a group discussion around it.
Some potential research topics:
- Horror games
- Discord gaming platform – or twitch https://www.twitch.com/ (like slack for games)
- VR
- Walking simulator games, The Disappearance of Ethan Carter, Point and Click Adventures Tell Tale
- Studying the effects of the role-playing and the representation of self-created protagonists vs computer-generated protagonist.
- Spatial awareness in VR for learning experiences in young children
- How puzzle games affect problem-solving skills
- Collaboration games, is there more learning benefits from games that incorporate a social experience than single player games?
- How does access to games affect use? Looks at cost as an issue and socioeconomic specs.
We discussed hosting content somewhere ‘not in Moodle’ and potentially employing Discord Chat. Also, we will add a written journal near the gaming system for user notes.