Girl Powder


Rally Day Ski Carnival

“The climax of the ski season at Smith is the Ski Carnival…”

– Special to the Hartford Times. Smith College Archives. Athletic Subject files–skiing, 1946-9


In February, Smith College seniors celebrate Rally Day– a day that marks 100 days from graduation. This event is one of Smith’s oldest traditions, and today it’s celebrated by seniors wearing their graduation gowns for the first time and donning creative, personal headwear.

Over the years, each graduating class has celebrated Rally Day in their own distinct way and from 1946-49, that meant throwing a Rally Day Ski Meet/ Ski Carnival[1]. This ski meet included variety events, downhill and slalom races and unlike other sporting events of the time, it was open to any Smith student on an individual rather than a class competitive basis [2]. It encouraged all students to engage in some friendly competition in honor of the seniors.

Photo of the opening ski formation at the Rally Day Ski Carnival. Athletic Subject Files. CA-MS-00167, Box 1368. Smith College Archives.

“A ski formation (photo above) opened the first Smith college ski carnival in February 1946. The ski event replaced the traditional sophomore ice carnival which was cancelled earlier because of inclement weather. Caps and gowns (photo below) are evident in the parade to the field. Worn for the first time by seniors at the Washington’s birthday celebration Thursday, there were later doffed for more conventional ski attire

– “Smith Holds First Ski Carnival.” Athletic subject files–skiing, 1945-6).”

Photo of the Parade to the Rally Day Ski Carnival. Athletic Subject Files. CA-MS-00167, Box 1368. Smith College Archives.

The photo below shows two “winners of two events at the Ski Carnival were Miss Marit Strange, left, of the junior class, an exchange student from Norway, who won the uphill herringbone race, and Miss Emily G. Fuller, freshman of Providence, RI who won the slalom race for advanced skiers and the level race [3].”

Photo of two winners, Marit Strange and Emily G. Fuller from the Rally Day Ski Carnival. Athletic Subject Files. CA-MS-00167, Box 1368. Smith College Archives.

This year, my friend, Jackie Wang ’23, and I donned some skis and carried on the tradition of skiing on Hospital Hill on Rally Day. Will you carry on the tradition next year?

Jackie Wang ’23 skiing on Hospital Hill. Rally Day 2023.

[1]Skiing Record Book. 1948-1978. Athletic Subject Files. CA-MS-00167, Box 1368.1. Smith College Archives.
[2]“Special to the Hartford Times”. December 1948. Athletic Subject Files. CA-MS-00167, Box 1368. Smith College Archives.
[3]“Smith Holds First Ski Carnival.” 1946. Athletic Subject Files. CA-MS-00167, Box 1368. Smith College Archives.

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