Schedule (under construction)

Location: Seelye 201

Time: Fridays from 2:45-4:00 p.m.

Students may earn one credit. Staff and faculty may audit. Here are instructions on how to audit.


9/8       Introduction





  • Alice Nash guest lecture: “Indigenous Is Not a Racial Category”

Recommended for additional context:



  • Floyd Cheung lecture: “Citizenship and Race: The Case of Asian Americans”
  • Please read the following before class: selection from Angelo Ancheta, Race, Rights, and the Asian American Experience [content warning: physical violence on p. 7-; n-word quoted on p. 10; racism throughout


10/6 No Class



  • Rachel Rubinstein guest lecture: “Racial Confusion: Jewishness, Racial Formation, and the Many Faces of Antisemitism”
  • Please read “Understanding Antisemitism”  before class





  • Jen Malkowski lecture: “No Such Thing as Neutral: Racism and Technology Design”
  • Please read the following before class: Noble, Safiya Umoja. “A Society, Searching.” In Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism, 15-34, 56-63. New York: NYU Press, 2018.



  • Debrief Cromwell Day (11/2) learnings



  • Loretta Ross lecture on racialized capitalism
  • Please read the following before class:



  • Jina Kim lecture: “Race and the Disability Justice Movement.”
  • Please read the following before class:
    • Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, “Cripping the Apocalypse: Some of my Wild Disability Justice Dreams”
    • Patty Berne, “Disability Justice–A Working Draft”
    • Leah Lakshmi Piepnza-Samarasinha, “Crip Fairy Godmother”


11/24 No Class

