Jeneen Frei Njootli (Vuntut Gwitchin). Contemporary Spirit Regalia. Silkscreen on chipboard.


Coulthard, Glen Sean (Yellowknives Dene). “Introduction: Subjects of Empire.” and “The Politics of Recognition in Colonial Contexts.” In Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition, 1-49. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014.

Coulthard’s analysis is specifically concerned with the colonial relationship between First Nations peoples and settler Canada. However, this entire text is useful for thinking about Indians and their relations to institutions, whether the settler-state or the museum, that have positioned themselves to grant cultural legitimacy to the same people they have dispossessed. Also great if you never understood Marxist theory and want to give it another shot!

Coulthard’s book concludes with a discussion of “self-recognition” and decolonization. An important goal for Indigenous peoples is to move away from seeking recognition from outside forces and towards self-determination.

On cultural recognition

Seibert, Monika. “Introduction: Indigeneity and Cultural Misrecognition.” and “Indigeneity and the Dialectic of Recognition at the National Museum of the American Indian.” In Indians Playing Indian: Multiculturalism and Contemporary Indigenous Art in North America, 22-61. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2015.


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