First Responders: Confronting the Racial Disconnect in Healthcare

"Silence = Death" Acrylic Painting By Keith Haring

Painting created by Keith Haring featuring the pink triangle, often used in activist campaigns against the AIDS epidemic. Figures portray the pictorial maxim “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” across the piece. This work is used to call attention to Haring and other activists discontent with the silence of the Reagan administration in reference to the AIDS epidemic.

Sisterlove Archived Logo

Archived Sisterlove Inc. Logo

"1984 - AIDS" print by Eric Avery

“1984 – AIDS” by Eric Avery, created in 1984 when the Death toll from AIDS was rising at an alarming rate. Based off of a 17th century French woodcut used for prints displayed outside of houses whose inhabitants affected by Plague. Avery was a doctor who treated many patients with HIV/AIDS.

Self Portrait of Sait Agatha from Y-ME Card Game Set

Self Portrait of Saint Agatha from Y-ME Card Set. Y-ME is a national breast cancer organization. The card set consists of cards depicting pieces of art and design focused on women’s health. Saint Agatha is the patron saint of breast cancer patients.

Center for Black Women's Wellness Letter of Support

A Letter from the Center of Black Women’s Wellness offering their support and appreciation of Sisterlove Inc. for the fight towards offering housing and support for victims of HIV/AIDs in the Atlanta Area.

Sisterlove Pamphlet on HIV/AIDS

Archived Pamphlet created by Sisterlove Inc. calling awareness to the AIDS crisis and its impact on women. Pamphlet also used as outreach about Sisterlove and the housing, education, and support they provide for women with HIV and AIDS