Ghada Amer and Lesbians in the Media

Ruby Silberman


Through a piece of art by artist Ghada Amer, this podcast episode explores lesbian representation in the media. Listen in as this episode discusses the exploitative nature of media’s portrayal of lesbians and just how dangerous it can be, as well as effectiveness of Amer’s methods as a symbol of resistance through art. 

The painting discussed in the podcast is called Kiss Cross, and is available to look at below.

TW for discussion of sex trafficking and rape. The beginning and end of those topics are pointed out in the transcript.


Ghada Amer’s Website

Ghada Amer (b. 1963) and Reza Farkondeh (b. 1963), Kiss Cross, 2006, Edition 25, Lithograph with sewn elements, 24 x 30 in

Ghada Amer (b. 1963), You, My Love, 2011, acrylic, embroidery and gel medium on canvas, 50 x 65 in

Ghada Amer