Sex Education: A Means of Empowerment

by Pilar Lu-Heda

What is sex education? In this audio-enhanced journey, we will explore the evolution of sex education and its influences. Sourcing documents from across centuries, we will examine the importance of sex education alongside women’s and humans rights movements. The sources we will be discussing are What Every Girl Should Know by Margaret Sanger, Our Bodies, Our Selves, from the Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, and The Care and Keeping of You from American Girl. I’m excited to bring The Care and Keeping of You into this dialogue as a modern text that I have personal experience with. It actually inspired this piece– being my first resource to understanding my body. As I’ve ventured further into understanding women’s rights movements, I have seen how powerful knowledge is. Equipping women with a resource like Our Bodies, Our Selves, which has been both sold and handed out in numerous languages, empowers them by placing them in control of their bodies. I want to celebrate each of these resources in this brief episode.