Vander Vorst, Christina. (French) Marie-Célie Agnant, “The House Facing the Sea.” 11:1, 193.
Varsano, Paula. (French) Gaston Miron, “Girl.” 11:1, 294.
Vázquez, Pilar. (Spanish) John Berger, “Cada Día Más Rojas.” 12:1, 187.
Vázquez De Moreiras, Alejandro Evangelista. (Galego) Luz Pozo Garza, “A ave da luz (The Bird of Light).” 22:1-2, 38.
—(Galego) Luz Pozo Garza, “Procurabas as sombras (You Sought the
Shadows).” 22:1-2, 38.
—(Galego) Pozo Garza, “Lotus no corazón (Lotus in My Heart).” 22:1-2, 40.
Viereck, Peter. (German) Georg Heym, “With the Ships of Passage.” 1:2, 70.
—(German) Heym, “The Demons of the Cities.” 1:2, 76.
—“Heym and Pasternak: The Demons of the Cities.” 1:2, 80.
—(German) Heym, “Final Vigil.” 1:2, 84.
—(German) Heym, “White-Haired in the Abominated Regions.” 2:1, 62.
—(German) Heym, “White Butterflies of Night, so often near me.” 2:1, 64.
—(German) Stefan George, “[Final Song].” 2:1, 68.
—(German) Gottfried Benn, “Songs: I.” 2:1, 70.
—(Russian) Alexander Pushkin, “After Pushkin’s ‘On the Hills of
Georgia.'” 2:1, 72.
—“Decoding a Swan.” 7:1, 42.
Viragh, Atti. (Hungarian) Miklós Radnóti, poems. 21:2, 120.
Volková, Bronislova. (Czech) Volková, “The Hour of the Earth.” 5:1, 56.
—(Czech) Volková, “The guile of the dragon sleighs.” 7:2, 68.
Volkova, Olga. (Russian) Georgy Zhzhenov, “The Sled.” 18:1, 152.
Vrajitoru, Liana (with Adam J. Sorkin). (Romanian) Elena Stefoi, “A Team No Matter What.” 13:2, 148.
—(with Adam J. Sorkin). (Romanian) Stefoi, “Berlin Pastel.” 13:2, 150.