Waddell, Helen. (Latin) Anonymous, “Iam, Dulcis Amica.” 4:2, 120.

Waechter, Maria (and Carmen Magallanos). (Spanish) Magallanos,        “Seven Poems.” 4:1, 86.

Waggoner, May. (French) Camille Thierry, “The Pirate’s Mistress.” 11:1,        266.
—(French) Thierry, “Regrets of the Old Mulatto Woman or Sanite        Foueron’s Distress.” 11:1, 271.

Waite, Kasey J. (Old English) Anonymous, “Wulf and Eadwacer.”        25.2, 50.

Washbourne, Kelly. (Spanish) Ruben Darío, “Honorio’s Nightmare.” 1:2,        48.
—(Spanish) Washbourne, “The Nirvana Dictionary,” “Not What It Can        But What It Must.” 2:1, 11.

Wallenstein, Barry. “Two Poems.” 5:2, 41.

Watson, Ellen. (Portuguese) Adelia Prado, “Two Ways,” “The Alphabet in        the Park.” 1:1, 30.
—(Portuguese) Adelia Prado, poems. 21:2, 96.

Wei-hsin, Lin (Chinese). Eileen Chang, “My Views on Su Qing.” 26:1, 180.

—Wei-hsin (Chinese). Chang, “The Sayings of my Aunt.” 26:1, 198.

Weissengruber, Erik. “‘Can One Not Be Serious, Even When Laughing?’:        British Translations of G. E. Lessings’s Minna von Barnhelm, 1786-        1805.” 9:1, 51.

Wetmore, Kevin (and Maura Chwastyk). “A Phonomorphological Model        for the Study of Intercultural Theatre.” 9:1, 225.

Wheeler, Sally. (Russian) Alla Mikhalevich, “Wasps (I).” 20:2, 98.
—(Russian) Mikhalevich, “Two Almost Equal Seasons Fill the Year.”        20:2,100.

White, Sarah. (Old Occitan) “Songs of Women Troubadours.” 2:2, 56.

Wick, Erica (with Maria Carlstedt, Anna Mandell, and Katarina Tucker).        (Swedish) Carina Karlsson, “Excerpts from Lisbeta, Per Skarp’s Wife.”        8:1, 140.

Wigan, Phillip and Julia. (Portuguese) Pedro Meira Monteiro, “Collecting
Images: On Joao Almino’s Fictional Work.” 24:1-2, 38.

Wilbur, Richard. (French) Molière, “Amphitryon: Act One, Scene One.”        2:1, 42.
—(Italian) Salvatore Quasimodo, “The Agrigentum Road.” 4:1, 65.
—(Romanian) Nina Cassian, “Ballad of The Jack of Diamonds.” 4:1, 66.
—(Romanian) Cassian, “Ballad of The Jack of Diamonds” (correction).        4:2, 140.
—(French) Joachim du Bellay, “Happy the Man.” 5:1, 42.
—(Bulgarian) Valeri Petrov, poems. 7:2, 12.

Williams, Donald Mace. (German) Rainer Maria Rilke, “The Last Evening.” 25.1, 108.
—(German) Rilke, “The Panther.” 25.1, 108.

Williamson, Patrick (with Yann Lovelock). (French) Serge Pey. “Every        Poem is a Decapitated Head Held up by a Single Hair.” 16:1, 186.
—(French) Mathieu Bénézet, “Phase I (Extract from L’Océan jusqu’è a
).” 17:1, 120.

Witt, Martha (with Mary Ann Frese Witt). (Italian) Valeria Parrella, “Forty        Flush.” 18:2, 201.

Witt, Mary Ann Frese (with Martha Witt). (Italian) Valeria Parrella, “Forty        Flush.” 18:2, 201.

Wong, Elaine (Chinese). Chen Li, “Ariettas: An Excerpt.” 26:1, 30.

—Wong (Chinese). Chen, “Memorandum of A Forgotten Comforter.” 26:1, 32.

—Wong (Chinese). Chen, “Rio de Ouro, 1500.” 26:1, 34

Woronzoff-Dashkoff, Catherine. Mikhail Bulgakov adapted by Smekhov,        Veniamin. Two scenes from the stage adaptation of Master and        Margarita: “Satan’s Ball” 10:2, 216.
—“By Candlelight” 10:2, 218.

Wortsman, Peter. “Simultaneous Musils or Will the Real Dichter Please        Rise From the Dead!” 9:2, 335.