Spring 2020
The following is the Table of Contents from the Spring 2020 issue of Metamorphoses.
The complete edition, including the original language versions for the poetry, is available only in print.
Thalia Pandiri, Editor-in-Chief:
- In This Pandemic Issue, page 9.
Muhemmetjan Rashidin, Translated from the Uyghur by Chuen-Fung Wong:
- To the Unborn, page 16.
Appayya Dikshita, Translated from the Sanskrit by Louis Hunt:
- Praise Of Shiva, page 20.
Genrikh Sapgir, Translated from the Russian by Dmitri Manin:
- Chart of Life, page 22.
- Muse, page 24.
- Death of a Mole, page 24.
- Landscape with Bolshevo Creative Retrreat, page 26.
- Unfinished Sonnet, page 26.
- Sonnet with Validol, page 28.
- Window, page 28.
- New Year’s Sonnet, page 30.
- Commentary Sonnet, page 30.
- Poliphonion, page 32.
Victor Hugo, Translated from the French by Samuel N. Rosenberg:
- The Sower, page 44.
- Yesterday Evening, page 46.
Guido Cupani, Translated from the Italian by Patrick Williamson:
- The Man at the Checkout Respects the Items He Packs, page 48.
- Turns Out Even Google Knows my Grandfather, page 50.
Salgado Maranhão, Translated from the Portuguese by Alexis Levitin:
- Poetry IX, page 52.
- Poetry X, page 54.
- Poetry XI, page 56.
- Poetry XII, page 58.
- Poetry XIII, page 60.
- Poetry XIV, page 62.
Xánath Caraza, Originally written in Spanish and translated into English by the poet. The Turkish version of the poem is by Eyup Esen:
- Water Music, page 64.
Erik Bendix:
- Retranslating Rilke’s Duino Elegies, page 67.
Rainer Maria Rilke, Translated from the German by Erik Bendix:
- The First Elegy, page 74.
- The Fifth Elegy, page 80.
Anacreon, Translated from the Ancient Greek by Philip S. Peek:
- Thracian Filly, Why Eye Me Sidewise?, page 88.
Meleagros, Translated from the Ancient Greek by Philip S. Peek:
- Poem to A Bee, page 90.
Bert Schierbeek, Translated from the Dutch by Arno Bohlmeijer:
- For Nono, page 92.
Leonard Nolens, Translated from the Dutch by Arno Bohlmeijer:
- Without Me, page 94.
Simone Atangana Bekono, Translated from the Dutch by Arno Bohlmeijer:
- Friction, page 96.
Martin Veltman, Translated from the Dutch by Arno Bohlmeijer:
- I, page 98.
Jan Eijkelboom, Translated from the Dutch by Arno Bohlmeijer:
- When It Grew Still, page 100.
Remco Campert, Translated from the Dutch by Arno Bohlmeijer:
- Creed, page 102.
Phebe Rasch, Translated from the Dutch by Arno Bohlmeijer:
- Uniting, page 104.
Arno Bohlmeijer, Translated from the Dutch by the Poet:
- A Limitless Wish, page 106.
Koda Rohan, Translated from the Japanese by Tsutomu Nagata:
- Tale of A Phantasm, page 108.
Nevena Pascaleva, Translated from the Bulgarian by the author and edited by Polina Dimova:
- You are A Father, You’ll Know, page 127.
Rubem Fonseca, Translated from the Portuguese by Paul Melo e Castro:
- Raw Muscle, page 134.
Ibtisam Shakush, Translated from the Arabic by miriam cooke:
- Where’s My Tent, page 150.
- Aisha’s Teeth, page 151.
Hersh Smoliar, Translated from the Yiddish by Ruth Murphy and edited by Catherine Madsen:
- A Good Morning, page 153.
- At The Edge, page 155.
- Enemies, page 157.
- A Night in the Forest, page 162.
- The Verdict, page 164.
Felice Feliciano (Feliciano Antiquario), Translated from the Italian by Nancy Vine Durling:
- Justa Victoria: A 15th-Century Wager Tale, page 167.
Craig Davis:
- Introduction To Michael Ranfft, Dissertation On The Dead That Chew In Their Tombs (Dissertatio Prior Historico-Critica De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis), page 186.
Michael Ranfft, Translated from the Latin and German by Peter Schranz and Susan Gould:
- Selections from: Dissertation On The Dead That Chew In Their Tombs (Dissertatio Prior Historico-Critica De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis), page 189.
Susan Ayres:
- Amorgos Notebook: A Dream Journal, page 206.
Contributors, page 211.