Elementary and high schools in Lexington, Kentucky, USA
B.S., University of Chicago, 1960
M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1962
Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1965
Research Fields
discrete geometry and its applications
mathematical crystallography
history of science and technology
history of mathematics
Positions held (all at Smith College):
Louise Wolff Kahn Professor Emerita in Mathematics and History of Science and Technology, 2007 – present
Louise Wolff Kahn Professor in Mathematics and History of Science and Technology, 2000 – 2007
Director, Louise B. and Edmund J. Kahn Liberal Arts Institute (Smith College) 1998 – 2005
Louise Wolff Kahn Professor of Mathematics, 1990-2000
Professor of Mathematics, 1978-1990
Associate Professor, 1973-78
Assistant Professor, 1967-73
Lecturer, 1966-67
I. Recent and forthcoming publications
Mathematics consultant for the animated film “The Silence of Professor Tösla,” written and directed by Ilan Stavans, animation and music by Jay Bolotin. In Yiddish with English subtitles. 2020.
MS and Jean Taylor, “Opening Crystallography,” Structural Chemistry; Oct 2020, Vol. 31 Issue 5, pp. 1661-1674.
“Dorothy Wrinch, 1894 – 1976,” in Against All Odds: Women’s Ways to Mathematical Reseach Since 1800, Eva Kaufholz-Soldat and NIcola M. R. Oswald, Springer, 2020, pp 231 – 248.
“Glass and Lace.” In: Mathematics Online First Collections, (2020), Springer, Cham.; in Math in the Time of Corona (2021) My chapter is also available at
“E. S. Fedorov,” in Mathematicians from Saint Petersburg and their theorems,
“D’Arcy Thompson and Dorothy Wrinch, A Friendship, 1918 – 1948” in D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson’s Generative Influences in Art, Design and Architecture, Ellen Levy and Charissa Terranova, eds, Bloomsbury Press, pp 67 – 80.
MS and Jean Taylor, “The rhombic triacontahedron and crystallography,” in Polytopes and Discrete Geometry, E. Schulte, G. Cunningham, and M. Mixer, eds, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 2021, pp 235 – 249.
“Welcome to What? a personal essay,” in Association for Women in Mathematics: The FIrst Fifty Years, AWM-Springer, edited by Janet Beery, Sarah Greenwald, and Cathy Kessel.
Nikolai Dolbilin, Alexey Garber, Undine Leopold, Egon Schule, and MS, “On the regularity radius of Delone sets in R3,” Discrete and Computational Geometry, published on line April 27, 2021.
“John Conway and Mathematical Communities,” in The Mathematical Intelligencer‘s special issue in memory of John Conway, 43-2, spring 2021.
“The Second Kind of Forgetting,” Structural Chemistry, published online December 3, 2021,
“The Intercontinental Heptahedron Institute: the inaugural Tour”, in Side, a publication for the Bergen Assembly 2022 (Norway).
“The Gömböc pill, continuing . . . “, The Mathematical Intelligencer, v. 44, no. 2, 2022, pp 119-122, doi10.1007/s00283-022-10189-8
“Symmetries and Communities,” to appear in The Mathematical Intelligencer, v. 44, no. 3
“Dorothy Wrinch and the Man of the Century,” to appear in Russell, Feminism, and Philosophical Women in his Circle, Landon Elkind (ed), Palgrave MacMillan
Book in Progress: MS and D. Rowe, J. McCleary, and J. Lorenat, editors: Max Dehn, Polymathic Mathematician, to be published by the American Mathematical Society in 2022.
Book in Progress: Pavlov in Kentucky: My Father, the Narcotic Farm, and all that Jazz
Some Recent lectures
“Penrose Tilings and the Imagination,” Budapest University of Technology and Economics, April 20, 2022.
“Unwrapping a Gem,” Gathering for Gardner Celebration of Min, April 26, 2021,, 2021
“Three Views of the Narcotic Farm,” Virtual Tea Hour, University College London, March 31, 2021 (Zoom)
II. Earlier work
Senechal and G. Fleck, editors (and contributors)
a) Patterns of Symmetry, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, 1977, 160 pp.
b) Uzori Symmetrii, Russian edition of (a), MIR, Moscow, 1980. With supplementary articles, paperback,
c) Paperback edition of (a), University of Massachusetts Press, 1981.
Senechal, editor. Structure of Matter and Patterns in Science. Proceedings of a symposium inspired by the work and life of Dorothy Wrinch, September 1977. Schenkman Publishing Co., Cambridge 1980, 210 pp..
Senechal and G. Fleck, editors (and contributors). Shaping Space: a polyhedral approach. Birkhauser, Boston, 1988.
Senechal, G. Fleck, A Workbook of Common Geometry, manuscript.
Senechal, Crystalline Symmetries: An informal mathematical introduction. Institute of Physics, Alan Hilger, Ltd., 1990..
Senechal, editor, The Cultures of Science, Nova Science Publishers, 1994.
Senechal, Quasicrystals and Geometry, Cambridge University Press, in 1995; paperback edition 1996
Sherer and M. Senechal, Long Life to Your Children! A portrait of High Albania, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, 1997, 240 pp.
Engel, L. Michel, and M. Senechal, Lattice Geometry, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, preprint, posted 2004 on
Senechal, Northampton’s Century of Silk, City of Northampton’s 350th anniversary chapbook series, 2004, 90 pp.
Senechal, editor (and contributor), Silk Unraveled!, Smith College Studies in History, Vol. LIII, 2005, 274 pp.
Field, M. Senechal, and M. Shaw, American Silk: 1832 – 1932, Texas Tech University Press, 2007, 326 pp. Winner of the American Costume Society’s Millia Davenport Publication Award, 2008
Davis, M. Senechal, and J. Zwicky, eds, The Shape of Content: an anthology of creative writing in mathematics and science, A. K. Peters Ltd, 2008
Senechal, I Died for Beauty: Dorothy Wrinch and the Cultures of Science, Oxford University Press, 2013.
Senechal, ed., Shaping Space: exploring polyhedra through art, nature, and the geometrical imagination, Springer, 2013
Senechal, Pavlov in Kentucky, in preparation.
Lorenat, J. McCleary, D. Rowe, and M. Senechal (eds), Max Dehn, Polymathic Mathematician, to be published by the American Mathematical Society; in preparation.
“A summation formula and an identity for a class of Dirichlet series”, Acta Arithmetica, Vol. XI, No. 4; 1966, 443-449.
“Point groups and color symmetry”, Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 142, 1975, 1-23.
“The mechanism of formation of certain growth twins of the penetration type”, Neues Jarbuch fur Mineralogie, 11, 1976, 518-524.
“A prophet without honor, Dorothy Wrinch 1894-1976”, Smith Alumnae Quarterly, April 1977, 18-23.
“Number, the ruler of all things”, Smith Alumnae Quarterly, February, 1978, 12-18.
“Themes and variations”, Criss-Cross Art Communications, 7,8,9; 1979, 40-45.
“Color groups”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 1, 1979, 51-73.
“Recent advances and unsolved problems in symmetry theory”, in Uzori Symmetrii. In Russian. (with R.V. Galiulin)
“The genesis of growth twins in crystals”, Kristallografia, 25 (5), 1980, 908-915, in Russian. English translation in Soviet Physics – Crystallography, 25 (5), September-October 1980, 520-524.
“A simple characterization of the subgroups of space groups”, Acta Crystallographica, A36, 1980, 845-850.
“Which tetrahedra fill space?”, Mathematics Magazine, 54 (5), November 1981, 227-243.
“Coloring symmetrical objects symmetrically”, Mathematics Magazine, 56 (1), January 1983, 3-16.
“Color symmetry and colored polyhedra”, Acta Crystallographica, A39, 1983, 505-511.
“On colored lattices and lattice preservation”, Acta Crystallographica, A39, 1983. (with M.Rolley-LeCoz and Y. Billiet)
“An introduction to the theory of figures: the geometry of E.S. Fedorov“, Structural Topology, 10, 1984, 5-22. (with R.V. Galiulin)
“Space groups and their isotropy subgroups, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 25 (1984) 3148-3154. (with M.V. Jaric)
“Morphisms of crystallographic groups: kernels and images“, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 26 (1985) 219-228.
“Geometry and crystal symmetry”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 12B, Nos. 3/4, 1986, 565-578. Reprinted in Symmetry, Istvan Hargittai, editor. Pergamon Press, 1986.
“Two-dimensional math in a three dimensional world”, Education Week, Vol. IV, No. 20, February 6, 1985, p. 40. Reprinted in Education Digest, October 1985, 50-52 (with G. Fleck).
“Introduction to mathematical crystallography”, 19 pp., and “Report on the workshop on mathematical crystallography”, 6 pp., IHES/p/85/47 (preprint).
“F faces of apatite and its morphology: theory and observation“, Journal of Crystal Growth 78 (1986), 468-478. (with R.A. Terpstra, P. Bennema, P. Hartman, C.F. Woensdreght and W.G. Perdok)
“The crisis in crystallography: a case study in the role of aesthetics in science”, Intersciencia, Vol. 12, No. 2 (1987), 58-62.
“Tiling the torus and other space forms”, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1988 (55-72).
“Color symmetry”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 16, No. 5-8, 1988, 545-533. In Crystal Symmetries, edited by Istvan Hargittai and Boris K. Vainshtein, the Shubnikov Centennial Papers, Pergamon Press.
“Mathematics in the Philippines”. Intersciencia, Vol. 13, No. 3, May-June 1988, 141-144.
“The algebraic Escher”, Structural Topology, No. 15, 1989, 31-42.
“Symmetry revisited”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 17, No. 1-3, 1989, 1-12 (published as Symmetry II, Istvan Hargittai, Pergamon Press.)
“Finding the finite groups of symmetries of the sphere”, in The American Mathematical Monthly, 1990, Vol. 97, No. 4, 329-335.
“Quasicrystals: the view from Les Houches”, with Jean Taylor. The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1990, 54-64.
“From symmetry to disorder: A Personal Odyssey” (1991 Engel Lecture; published in Five College Ink, Five Colleges, Inc., Amherst, MA, May 1991.)
“Quasicrystals and mathematics”, Phase Transitions, V. 43, Nos 1-4, Section B (Special Issue on Modulated structures, Polytypes, and Quasicrystals, Part I, edited by M. Farkas-Jahnke and E. Pál), 1993, pp. 27-34.
“Tilings, quasicrystals, and Hilbert’s 18th Problem”, Structural Topology, v. 20, 1993, pp 7-26.
“Galilelo’s book ‘The Universe’, 371st edition: number theory, computer graphics, and the Sciences”, Smith College preprint No. 1.
“Tilings, diffraction, and quasicrystals”, The Mathematica Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2 (1994) 10-15.
“An Extension of Vorono\”\i’s theorem on primitive parallelotopes”, (with L. Michel and S.S. Ryshkov), European Journal of Combinatorics, 16 (1995), 59 – 63.
“Two communities and vertical integration”, The Mathematical Intelligencer, vol. 19, no. 2, 1997, pp 33 – 37.
“Tilings by related zonotopes”, (with Henry Crapo), Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 26, Nos. 8-10, 1997, pp. 60-73.
“The Continuing Silence of Bourbaki: an interview with Pierre Cartier”, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vo. 20, No. 1, 1998, pp. 22-28.
“Oberwolfach, 1940-1960”, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 20, No. 4, 1998, pp 17-24.
“Multiregular point systems”, (with Jeff Lagarias and Nikolai Dolbilin), Discrete and Computational Geometry, Vol. 20, 1998, pp 477-498.
“Parallel Worlds: M. C. Escher and mathematics, revisited”, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Volume 21, No. 1, 1999, pp 13-19
“Between Discovery and Justification”, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2000, pp. 16-17.
“New geometric invariants for Euclidean lattices,” with Peter Engel and Louis Michel, in “Réseaux euclidiens, designs sphériques et formes modulaires, J. Martinet (ed), Monographie No. 37 de L’Enseignement Mathematique. 268-272, Geneva, 2001.
“The Mysterious Mr. Ammann,” The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2004, 10 – 21.
“Silk and Society in Albania, ’’ The American Entomologist, Fall 2005, pp 142 – 150.
“Mathematics and Narrative at Mykonos”, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 2006, pp 24 – 30
“What is a quasicrystal? ’’ Notices of the American Mathematical Society, September, 2006, pp 886-887
“Hardy as Mentor,” The Mathematical Intelligencer, vol. 29, no. 1, winter 2006
“Thoughts on ‘crystal’”, Zeitschrift f. Kristallographie, 222 (2007), p. 311
“A Point Set Puzzle Revisited”, European Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 29, no. 8, 2008, 1933 – 1944.
“Mapping the Aperiodic Landscape, 1982 – 2007”, Philosophical Magazine, vol. 88, no. 13-15, 2008, 2003 – 2016.
“The Grammar of Ornament”, Symmetry: Culture and Science, 22, 1-2, (2011), 83- 101.
“Martin Gardner (1914–2010)” The Mathematical Intelligencer, 33, 1 (2011), 51-54.
“Crystals Twins Revisited,” Israel Journal of Chemistry, 2011, 51, 1153 – 1155 (special issue in honor of Dan Shechtman’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry).
“Quasicrystals: the View from Stockholm”, with Jean E. Taylor, The Mathematical Intelligencer, vol. 35, no. 2, 2013, 1 – 9.
“Delaunay Sets and Condensed Matter,” Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2015, Vol. 288, 159-264.
“Structures Beyond Superspace,” Acta Crystallographica, 2015, B71, 250- 251
“Math at the Met”, with Joseph Dauben, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 37-3, 2015.
“Mathematical Crystallography in the 21st Century”, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, special issue on mathematical crystallography, v. 230, no. 12, 2015, DOI:
“Sphere Packings as Stem Cells,” Structural Chemistry (special issue in honor of Alan Mackay), published online 24 August 2016, DOI 10.1007/s11224-016-0821-y
“On the Form and Growth of Complex Crystals: the Case of Tsai-Type Clusters,” with Jean Taylor, Erin Teich, Pablo Damasceno, and Yoav Kallus, Symmetry, 9, 188, 2017, 13 pp.
“Opening Crystallography,” with Jean Taylor, Structural Chemistry (), 1 – 14; DOI 10.1007/s11224-020-01599-5, 2020,
“The rhombic triacontahedron and crystallography,” with Jean Taylor, to appear in Cunningham G, Mixer M, Schulte E (eds) Polytopes and Discrete Geometry. Contemporary Mathematics, AMS
Book chapters:
“The formation of penetration twins”, in Processes of Real Crystal Formation, edited by N.V. Belov, Nauka, Moscow, 1977, 61-64, in Russian. (with N.N. Sheftal)
“Escher designs on surfaces”, in M.C. Escher, Art and Science, edited by HSM Coxeter, R. Penrose, M. Teuber, and M. Emmer, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1986
“A brief introduction to tilings”, in Introduction to the Mathematics of Quasicrystals, ed. by Marko Jaric, Academic Press, 1989, 1-51.
“A brief history of geometrical crystallography”, in An Historical Atlas of Crystallography, edited by J. Lima de Faria, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990, 43-59.
“Shape”, in On the Shoulders of Giants : a new approach to numeracy, Lynn Steen, ed., National Academy of Sciences Press, 1990.
“Generalizing crystallography: puzzles and problems in dimension one”, in Quasicrystals, Networks, and Molecules of Five-Fold Symmetry, I. Hargittai, ed., VCH Publishers, 1990.
“Isohedral parallelotopes”, in a volume of essays honoring the centenary of Fedorov’s enumeration of the space groups, Moscow, 1991.
“Visualization and visual thinking”, in Geometry’s Future, a COMAP publication.
“Introduction to lattice geometry”, in From Number Theory to Physics, M. Waldschmidt and P. Moussa, eds. Springer Verlag, 1992.
“Hierarchical tilings”, in Proceedings of 1991 Symposium on Hierarchically Structured Materials, I. A. Aksay, E. Baer, M. Sarikaya and D. A. Tirrell, eds, Materials Research Society, Vol. 255, 1992.
“Calendars, pacemakers, and quasicrystals”, in In Eves’ Circles (proceedings of the “Eves Conference”, Orlando, FL, June 1991), edited by J.M. Anthony, Mathematical Association of America, 1994.
“A critique of the projection method”, in The Mathematics of Aperiodic Order, R. Moody and J. Patera, eds, Kluwer, 1997
“Tilings” (with Doris Schattschneider), in A Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry, J. Goodman and J. O’Rourke, eds, CRC Press, 1997; revised for 2nd edition (2004) with DS, and for 3rd edition (2016) with DS and Edmund Harriss
“Crystals and quasicrystals”, in A Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry, J. Goodman and J. O’Rourke, eds, CRC Press, 1997; revised for second edition (2004) and third edition (2016)
“From summation formulae to lattices and back again”, in Voronoi’s Impact on Modern Science, Halyna Syta, ed., Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv, 1998, pp. 60-70.
“The Local Theorem Revisited”, in Aperiodic ’97, Proceedings of the International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals, M. de Boissieu, J-L Verger-Gaugry, and R. Currat, eds., World Scientific Publishers, Singapore, 1998, pp. 3-7.
“Periodic and Nonperiodic tilings of EÙn”, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 223, , J. Goodman and R. Pollack, eds., American Mathematical Society, 1999, pp. 293-312.
“Reflections on the Kaleidoscope”, in Symmetry 2000, T. Laurent and I. Hargittai, eds., Portland Press, London, 2002: 101-108.
“The Symmetry Mystique”, in M. C. Escher’s Legacy: a centennial celebration, D. Schattschneider and M. Emmer, eds., Springer-Verlag, 2002: 427-444.
“Narco Brat,” in Of Human Bondage: historical perspectives on addiction, D. Patey, ed., Smith College Studies in History, 2003: 173 – 200.
“The Camel and the Needle: silk and the Stetson letters”, in Letters from an American Utopia: the Stetson family and the Northampton Association, 1843 – 1846, edited by K. Buckley and C. Clark, 2004 by the University of Massachusetts Press.
“Coxetering Crystals”, in Renaissance Banff, Reza Sarhangi and R. V. Moody, eds., Conference Proceedings, 2005, pp. 411 – 418.
“Donald and the Golden Rhombohedra,” in Reflections and Projections, edited byChandler Davis and Erich W. Ellers, Fields Institute Communications, vol. 46, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 2006, pp. 159 – 177.
`”Ice’’, in Findings on Ice, Hester Aardse and Astrid van Baalen, (eds.) Springer Verlag (jointly published with Pars Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2007, pp.
“The Last Second Wrangler,” in The Shape of Content (see above).
“Bells and Whistles,” in I, Mathematician, Steven Krantz (ed.), Vol. II, COMAP
“The Simplicity Postulate,” in Simplicity: Ideals of Parctice in Mathematics and the Arts, R. Kossak and P. Ording (eds), Springer, 2017.
“Dorothy Wrinch,” in Women in Mathematics, N. Oswald and E. Kaufholz-Soldat (eds), in Women in Mathematics in Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Springer, 2020.
“D’Arcy Thompson and Dorothy Wrinch: A Friendship, 1918 – 1948” to appear in D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson’s Generative Influences in Art, Design, and Architecture: From Forces to Form, E. Levy and C. Terranova (eds), Bloomsbury Press, 2020
“Glass and Lace,” to appear in Math in a Time of Coronavirus, Springer 2020
Book Reviews
The Mathematical Theory of Chromatic Plane Ornaments by T.W.Wieting, American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 90, No. 8 October 1983, 574-75.
Descartes on Polyhedra, by P.J. Federico, Historia Mathematica, Vol. 11, No. 3, August 1984, 333-334.
Dual Models, by Magnus Wenninger, American Scientist, March 1985.
Groups: a path to geometry, by John Burns, American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 94,No. 6, June – July 1987, 567-570.
Tilings and Patterns, by Branko Grunbaum and G.S. Shepard, American Scientist,September-October 1987, 521-522.
The Shape of Space by Jeffrey Weeks; Tilings and Patterns by Branko Grunbaum andGeoffrey Shepard; Regular Solids and Isolated Singularities by Klaus Lamotke. The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 10, No. 2, Spring 1988, 68-71.
Reality’s Mirror: Exploring the Mathematics of Symmetry, by Bryan Bunch. American Scientist, Vol. 78, 1990, 382.–
Symmetrie — Gruppe — Dualitat, by Erhard Scholtz. (With Branko Grunbaum.) Historia Mathematica, 18, 1991, 377-380.
Visions of Symmetry, by Doris Schattschneider, and The Emperor’s New Mind, by Roger Penrose. The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1992, 72-77.
Quasicrystals: the state of the art, by David DiVincenzo and P. Y. Steinhardt, eds, Science ..
Spatial Tessellations, by Okabe, Boots, and Suyihare, Science, v. 260, May 1993, pp.1170-1173.
The Visual Mind, by M. Emmer (ed), SIAM Review, 36 v. 4 (1994), 676 – 677.
Chinese Silk: a cultural history, by Shelagh Vainker, The Public Historian, v. 27, no. 3, summer, 2005.
Shadows of Reality, by Tony Robbin, Science, v. 312, 21 April 2006.
Transcending Tradition, by Moritz Eppel et. al., Notices of the American Mathematical Society, February 2013.
Simon, the Genius in my Basement, by Alexander Masters, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2013.
Reviewer for mathematics, physics, and crystallography journals, scholarly book publishers, and the National Science Foundation
Editor (translation from the Russian) of Highly Anisotropic Crystals, by E.I. Givargizov, Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht/Boston/ Lancaster, 1986.
Op-Ed “Albanians need economic assistance”, Daily Hampshire Gazette,13, 1997. (An abbreviated version appeared in the New York Times as a Letter to the Editor.)
Exhibition Catalog “Guide to the Exhibition” (“High Albania”, photographs by Stan Sherer, Amherst College, Frost Library, March 1995.)
“The Creative Scientific Writing Workshops at BIRS,” PIMS Magazine, Fall, 2004, 7-8.
Collaborator, with playwright and composer Ellen Maddow, on the mathematical music theater “Delicious Rivers” (LaMama Cafe, New York, January and February, 2006; Smith College, Northampton, October and November, 2006).
Exhibition Catalog, “Exhibition,” photographs by Stan Sherer, essay by Marjorie Senechal, Hampshire College, February 2008.
Pasteur in Alais, a closet-drama, 2008.
Huffington Post Science Blogs
“Miles Davis and the Double Helix,” October 25, 2012
“The Missing Nobel Prizes,” December 18, 2012
“Gold or Brass?” February 27, 2013
“Figures, Fingers, and Rings” May 28, 2013
“Alice Munro, Mathematician” November 1, 2013
“Solstice Time,” June 17, 2014
Oxford University Press Blogs
“The Map She Carried”, January 11, 2013
“8 MAPTA 1979: Women’s Day in the Soviet Union”, March 8, 2014,
“Boxes and Paradoxes”, August 7, 2014,
IAS/PCMI undergraduate school lecturer, Park City, Utah, June 29 – July 19, 2014
Selected Lectures (2000 – Present)
Symmetry 2000 conference, Stockholm, September 2000
Shkoder ne Shekuj conference, Shkoder, Albania, November 2000
Conference in memory of Louis Michel, Ecole Polytechnique, January 2001
Keynote Address, Pi Mu Epsilon conference, Bethlehem, PA, February 2001
“Basic Research and Higher Education,” in conference “International Support of Science in Russia and Ukraine: A 10 Year Retrospective and Forward Look, Royal Society of London, October 22-23, 2001
Textile Society of America symposium, Northampton, MA, September, 2002
Jean Taylor Symposium, Rutgers University, January 2003
Third International Silk Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2003
Workshop on the Mathematics of Aperiodic Order, Greifswald, Germany, August 2003 MAA EPaDel meeting, University of Delaware, November 2004
From Moth to Cloth symposium, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Minneapolis, August, 2003
Social Sciences Historical Association, Baltimore, November, 2003
Second Annual Dorwart Lecture, Trinity College, Hartford, CT, March, 2004
Northampton 350th Anniversary Lecture Series, Smith College, April, 2004 (panel)
Reflections and Projections, a conference in memory of H.S.M. Coxeter, University of Toronto, May 2004
Lectures at universities in Chongqing, Xi’an, Zhengjian, and Suzhou, China; May-June 2004
Discrete Geometry Day, Bard College, October, 2004
Society for Literature and Science, Durham, NC, October, 2004 (panel)
Mathematical Association of America, University of Delaware, November 2004 Entomological Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2004.
NYU (Courant Institute), May, 2005
Boston University, June, 2005
Bridges Conference, Banff Centre, August 2005
Humboldt State University, November, 2005
Ohio State University, March, 2006
Hood College, May, 2006
University of Porto, Portugal, May 2006
Les Moutons Matheux, La Vacquerie, France, July 2006
Computational Geometry Conference, Smith College, November 2006
Mount Holyoke College, April 2007
NYU (Courant Institute), April 2007
International Union of Crystallography, International School on Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography, Havana, Cuba, July 2007
Conference “Geometry, Information and Theoretical Crystallography of the Nanoworld”, St Petersburg, Russia, August 2007
Conference “Quasicrystals: the silver Jubilee”, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 2007.
Women Scholars lecture series, University of Victoria, Canada, March 2008
International Nanotechnology Conference, Moscow, Russia, December 2008
Special Session of the American Mathematical Society, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, March 2009
Conference on Complex Metal Alloys, Nancy, France, October 2009
Mathematics Colloquium, University of Padua, Italy, February, 2010
Mathematics Colloquium, Beijing University, May, 2010
Conference in honor of Branko Grunbaum and Victor Klee, University of Washington,July, 2010
Mathematics lecture, Vassar College, November 2010.
Quasicrystal Conference in honor of Dan Shechtman’s 70th birthday, The Technion, Haifa, Israel, January 2011
100 Years of X-Ray Crystallography, a science colloquium at Rider University, October 2011
Mathematical Association of America banquet lecture, Newport News, VA November 2011
Geometry Colloquium, Courant Institute, NYU, December 2011
History of Mathematics Colloquium, Adelphi University, December 2011
Special Session of the American Mathematical Society, University of South Florida, March, 2012
Mathematics lecture, University of Toronto, April, 2012
History of Mathematics Special Session, Joint meeting of the AMS and MAA, SanDiego, January 2013
Reading from I Died for Beauty: Dorothy Wrinch and the Cultures of Science, BroadsideBookshop, Northampton, February 2013
Science and Mathematics in the Renaissance Day, University of Massachusetts, March 2013
Special Session of the American Mathematical Society, Boston College, April 2013
Panel, Simplicity Conference, CUNY Graduate Center, New York City, April 2013
Discrete Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics Conference, Brownsville, April 2013
Symposium, New England Quilt Museum and the American Textile History Museum, Lowell, April 2013
Minisymposium of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia June 2013
International Conference on Geometry, Topology, and Applications, Yaaroslavl, Russia, September 2013
Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, October 2013
“Narratives of Dress” symposium, Smith College, November 2013
Colloquium lecture, University of Calgary, November 2013
Brookhaven Women in Science lecture, Brookhaven National Laboratory, December2014
Lecture, ASM International, Cambridge, MA, January 2014
Special Seession on Discurete Mathemtics in Crystallography, AMS Sectional Meeting, Baltimore, March 2014
Keynote Lecture, International Union of Crystallography 23rd Congress, Montreal, Canada, August 2014
Fejes Toth Lecture in Geometry, University of Calgary, October 2014
Symposium in honor of J. E. Goodman and R. Pollack, Courant Institute, NYU, November 2014
Special Session in honor of Bob Devaney, Joint Math Meetings, San Antonio, January2015
Symmetry conference (SUMS), Brown University, March 2015
Seminar, Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, University ofViriginia, March 2015
Black Mountain College Conference, Asheville NC, September 2015
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany, October 2015
Mathematics Institute, Oberwolfach, Germany, November 2015
Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences, NYU, December 2015
University of Calgary, Canada, January 2016
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany, May, 2016
Keynote Lecture, Bridges 2016, Jyväskylä, Finland, August 2016.
AIM workshop, San Jose, California, September 2016
Mathematics Institute, Oberwolfach, Germany, December 2016
College Art Association, New York, New York, December 2016
Mathematical Crystallography Workshop, Manila, Philippines, May 2017
Growth and Form 100, Dundee, Scotland, October 2017
AMS Special Session, Northeastern University, April 22, 2018
Mikhael Shtogrin Symposium, Steklov Insitute, Moscow, Russia, Sept. 26, 2018
Science Seminar Series, Sarah Lawrence College, Nov. 6, 2018
Panel, “Narco Farm: Reimagining Rehab,” Science Gallery London, Nov. 21, 2018
Academic Visits (of at least one month)
University of Ceara, Brazil, June – December 1965
University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 1974-75
Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, 1979-80
Institute of Physics, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague, Nov.-Dec. 1985
University of the Philippines, October 1986 and May-June 1987
The Geometry Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN October 1993
The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Ontario, fall semester 1995
The Erwin Schroedinger Institute, Vienna, November 1998
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES), Bures-sur-Yvette, France, Jan.-March1983, January 1985, January 1989. December – March 1993-94, 1995, June 1997,February – March 2002, January 2003
Professional Organizations
AMS (American Mathematical Society)
Society of the Sigma Xi
HSS (History of Science Society)
SHOT (Society for the History of Technology)
AWM (Association for Women in Mathematics)
TSA (Textile Society of America)
Committees and Boards, not including those at Smith College
National Academy of Sciences Scientific Advisory Committee on USSR and Eastern Europe, 1982-85; 1989-92
Mathematical Association of America Committee on Allendoerfer Awards, 1984-86;1991-3; chair 1992-1993
Five College Committee on Applied Mathematics, 1989-1992
Union of Crystallography Commission on Aperiodic Crystals, 1987- 1999
Union of Crystallography Ad Hoc Committee on the Nomenclature of Symmetry 1987-1989, 1994 – 1999
Board of Governors, The Geometry Center (a National Science and Technology ResearchCenter at the University of Minnesota), 1994 – 1998
Member, Board of Directors , Textile Society of America (2000-20002)
Director, Northampton Silk Project, 1997 – 2003
Board of Directors, CRDF (U. S. Civilian Research and Development for the Independent States of the former Soviet Union), 1995 – 2009
Co-Chair bi-national Governing Council of BRHE (Basic Research and Higher Education program), 1998 – 2009
Member, Council of the American Mathematical Society, 2007 – 2009
Chair, AMS Whiteman Prize Committee for history of mathematics, 2011
Member, Board of Directors, The Literacy Project, Northampton, MA 2017 — present; Chair, Board of Directors, July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021
Editorial work
Editorial Board, MAA Carus Mathematical Monographs 1987- 1996; (Editor 1992- 1996)
Editorial Board “Discrete and Computational Geometry”, 1985- 2006
Editor of column “Mathematical Communities for The Mathematical Intelligencer, 1997 – present
Co-Editor-in-Chief, The Mathematical Intelligencer, July 1, 2005 – 2012
Editor-in-Chief, The Mathematical Intelligencer, January 1, 2013 — December 31, 2020
Book Series co-editor, “Mathematics, Culture, and the Arts,” Springer, 2014 —
Conferences organized and/or chaired
Symposium “Symmetry Festival”, Smith College, February, 1973
Symposium “Structures of Matter and Patterns in Science”, Smith College, October 1977
Special Session on Discrete Geometry and its Applications, NE meeting of the AMS, Amherst, MA, October, 1981
Chair, Microsymposium on Crystallographic Symmetry and its Generalizations, 12th International Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Ottawa, Canada, August 1981
Co-organizer, “Shaping Space”, an inter-disciplinary conference on polyhedra, SmithCollege, April 1984
Workshop on Orderly Dispositions in Space (Tilings, quasi-crystals, etc.), Institute forMathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis, October 1987
Chair, Microsymposium on N-Dimensional Crystallography, 15th InternationalCongress of the International Union of Crystallography, Bordeaux, France, July 1990
Special Session on Aperiodicity and Order, NE Meeting of the AMS, Amherst, MA,October 1990
Special Session on Tilings, NE Meeting of the AMS, Philadelphia, PA, October1991
Symposium on “Patterns and Order”, American Association for the Advancement ofScience, Chicago, IL, February 1992
Symposium on “The Cultures of Science”, Five Colleges, MA, October 1992.
Director, NSF Regional Geometry Institute, Smith College, July 1993
Co-organizer, symposium “Transition, or Tragedy? the Balkans in crisis”, Smith College,April, 1995
Workshop on Space-filling Problems, Les Houches, France,1995
Member of scientific advisory committees for 1995 conferences on quasicrystals andmathematics in Budapest, May 1995 and Toronto, August 1995, and the GeometryFestival, Budapest, July 1996
Co-organizer, special session, Canadian Mathematical Society, December, 1998
Co-chair, Organizing committee, Textile Society of America, 8th Biennial Symposium,”Silk Roads, Other Roads,” Northampton, MA September 26-28, 2002
Co-organizer, 4-day workshop, “Structural Topology Revisited,”, La Vacquerie, France,July 2006
Co-organizer, 2-day workshop, “Portraying Scientific Discovery: the situation and the story,” Kahn Liberal Arts Institute, Smith College, xxxxxx
Co-organizer, year-long research colloquium, “A Festival of Disorder,” Kahn Liberal Arts Institute, Smith College, 2008-2009
Co-organizer, five day workshop, “Creative Writing in Science and Mathematics,” Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada, April, 2010
Co-organizer, Microsymposium on aperiodic order, International Union for Crystallography, Madrid, Spain, August 2011
Co-organizer, Special Session on Discrete Mathematics in Crystallography, AMS,Baltimore, March 2013.
Co-organizer, five day workshops on “Creative Writing in Science and Mathematics,” Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2010, 2013, 2016
Co-organizer, microsymposium on mathematical crystallography, SIAM, Philadelphia,PA, May 2016
Co-organizer, AIM workshop on soft packings in condensed matter, San Jose California,September 2016.
Co-organizer, mini-workshop on the life and work of Max Dehn, Oberwolfach, Germany, December 2016
Co-organizer, BIRS workshop on soft packings in condensed matter, Oaxaca, Mexico, Sept. 2019
Fulbright travel grant to Brazil, 1965
NAS-USSR Academy of Sciences exchange scientist, Moscow, 1979-80.
NSF grant DPE 84-00339 “Shaping Space”, 1984-5. (With George Fleck)
Academic Specialist grant, The Philippines, October 1986 and May-June 1987.
Co-PI NSF grant DMS-90 13220, Five College Regional Geometry Institute “Geometry in a Machine Age”, 1990-1993. (With colleagues from the Five Colleges)
National Lecturer, Sigma Xi, 1992-94;
IREX Individual Advanced Research grant, “The Culture of Silk in Modern Albania”,1998-99
Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities #069-99, “Northampton Silk Project”, 1999
Awards and Honors
Carl B. Allendoerfer Award of the MAA, 1982, for “Which tetrahedra fill space?”
Honored Faculty Award, Smith College, May 2007
Millia Davenport Publication Award of the American Costume Society, 2008 (with Jacqueline Field and Madelyn Shaw)
Inaugural Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, 2012
updated June 16, 2022