Creating a Featured Image from a Zine with Adobe Express

To create a featured image based on your zine cover: 

  1. After you’ve downloaded your Zine PDF, you can create a featured image for your zine using the cover you made.
  2. In the Adobe Express toolbar, select Resize
    The resize option in Adobe Express circled in dark red
  3. Choose ResizeCustom Size
  4. In the Custom Size box, change the dropdown to px and enter 
    • Width: 1400 
    • Height: 700
      The Adobe Express resize menu with Custom circled in red
  5. At the bottom of the Resize window, choose Duplicate & resize
    The custom resize window in Adobe Express with Duplicate & resize circled in red
  6. Adobe Express will create a new page, based on a section from your cover that fits the custom dimensions.
  7. In the new page, adjust your images and text if you like
    Cover text edits in Adobe Express
  8. When you’re finished making edits, choose Download in the toolbar to open up the download dialog.
  9. In the download window, make sure Page Selection is set to Selected Page.
    The download dialog in adobe express with a selected page and PNG selected
  10. Choose Download to download only this page as a PNG

Add the Featured Image

In WordPress, make sure the Settings Sidebar is open, and navigate to the featured image option along the right side of the page

  1. In the WordPress block editor, look for the Settings sidebar on the right side of the workspace.
    • If the settings sidebar is closed, select the Settings button in the right corner of the page to open it.
  2. Scroll down to “Featured Image,” then select Set featured image. The “Featured Image” window will open.
  3. Choose the upload files tab and follow the prompts to upload your image.
  4. Your image will upload. Once it’s finished uploading, enter your Alt text in the Alt text field (link opens in a new tab).
  5. Choose Set Featured Image.
The WordPress toolbar displaying Save Draft, the preview icon, and the publish button with the settings button circled in red
The WordPress settings sidebar with the Set Featured image block circled in red

Downloading Selected Pages in Adobe Express

How to Download Selected Pages
  1. From the Adobe Express toolbar, select View all Pages
  2. In the View all pages window, choose Select All to select all of the pages with a purple checkmark
  3. Uncheck the checkbox for your cover image
    Adobe Express view of all zine pages and the cover image unchecked
  4. Choose Download > Selected pages > PDF (Best for documents)
  5. Choose the download button.
  6. Adobe Express will download your Zine without the cover image.