During the workshop and StoryMap, several concepts are frequently mentioned. Below is a list of these concepts, along with their definitions.

Climate Apartheid

Climate apartheid is an issue that materializes from the interplay between racism and the exploitation of the environment. It is about marginalized communities experiencing all disasters and ecological, health, economic, and social threats of climate change while the wealthy pay to escape and protect themselves.

Climate Change 

Climate change refers to changes in global temperatures and weather patterns over time. Although climate change is a natural phenomenon, human activity is the primary cause of today’s climate change.


A system in which a nation extends its control beyond its usual borders to gain more power or profit on a large scale, both politically and economically. When one nation dominates another, it leads to the subjugation of the colonized nation and its people by the colonizer.


 Coloniality describes the longstanding and persistent power patterns that emerged from  colonialism. These patterns continue to influence culture, labor, human relations, and knowledge production well beyond overt colonial rule.

Environmental Injustice

Environmental injustice is when a particular social group — disproportionately, these are marginalized communities — is burdened with the toxic impacts of environmental hazards such as waste, industrial facilities, air pollution, and polluted water. 

Marginalized Communities  

People and groups who face discrimination and exclusion because of unequal power relations based on social, political, economic, and cultural factors. It is crucial to comprehend that marginalized individuals come from diverse backgrounds. They are excluded based on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, socioeconomic status, and age. There are marginalized people everywhere, in every corner of society. Marginalized people face significant disparities in health care, employment, housing, and other areas of their lives.

Sacrifice Zones 

Sacrifice zones are communities near pollution produced by intensive and concentrated industry. Because of redlining, low property values, and other social factors, these are historically low-income and minority communities.