List of speakers with links to the abstracts (the abstract links will take you to SICB website)
07:45 ORR, TJ*; HAYSSEN, V: Introduction
08:00 HAYSSEN, V: Misconceptions about Conception and Other Fallacies: Historical Bias in Reproductive Biology
08:30 HOOK, KA*; FISHER, HS: The importance of female reproductive traits: from mice to seed beetles
09:00 SIROT, L.K.: Opportunities for Female Modulation of Seminal Fluid Molecules
10:00 WOLFNER, MF: The female side of the male x female interactions that modulate sperm competition and reproduction
10:30 LIPSHUTZ, SE*; ROSVALL, KA: Neuroendocrinology of sex-role reversal
11:00 KARACHIWALLA, Z; DECARVALHO, T; BURNS, M*: Spermathecal Variation By Mating System in Temperate Harvestmen
11:30 KIMMITT, AA*; SINKIEWICZ, DM; KETTERSON, ED: Female Songbirds that Differ in Migratory Strategy Also Differ in Neuroendocrine Measures in Early Spring
13:30 HOLEKAMP, K. E.*; MONTGOMERY, T. M.; STRAUSS, E. D.: Social competition and cooperation affect reproductive success of female spotted hyenas
14:00 LYNCH, KS*; RYAN, MJ: Social Regulation of Hormones and the Implications for Female Mate Choice
14:30 HAWKES, K: The centrality of grandmothers in human evolution
15:00 ORR, TJ*; HAYSSEN, V: Where now? Future directions in reproductive biology framed by the female perspective
15:30 ORR, TJ: Round Table Discussion for Reproduction: the Female Perspective from an Integrative and Comparative Framework