
I was a Student Career Advisor at the Smith College Career Development Center where I mainly helped students polish their resumes and cover letters, as well as point them to career resources on campus. I noticed that while the center does a great job connecting current students with jobs and internships in the U.S., the majority of opportunities required American residency or citizenship. With a team of International students; Ruth Tekleab Mekbib ’19, Helena Thompson ’18 and Meseret Haile ’18, we communicated with different offices on campus about the inclusion of International students in career services on campus, as well as applied for the Presidential Innovation Grant to enable us to do more career events focused on African and Caribbean Students. This semester, we have planned Career-related events that we can’t wait to share with y’all. Please be on the lookout for emails 🙂

~ Hilda Nalwanga ’18



LinkedIn Workshop

Resume Workshop

Harvard Africa Business Conference 2018

Harvard Africa Business Conference 2019