Staff Council Profile: Mackenzie Table

Mackenzie “Kenzie” Table works in the Budget Office as a Budget Manager. She partners with
different areas of the College such as School for Social Work, Campus Life, Office of Equity and
Inclusion, and Enrollment. When she is not working at Smith, she enjoys DIY crafts, baking, and
spending time with her family. She is also a dog-obsessed dog mom!

This is Mackenzie’s first year on Staff Council. She is on the Activities and Communications
Committee. She has had a great time planning and being involved in the events and
brainstorming communication ideas.

Mackenzie’s favorite part about Staff Council is being able to meet members from the Smith
community that typically she wouldn’t get a chance to interact with. Mackenzie enjoys hearing
the feedback that other Staff Council members share during meetings. Mackenzie is happy to
be a voice for the Smith College Staff.