Jennifer Kennedy has worked at Smith College since August 2018 as the AdministrativeAssistant at the Conway Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (Conway) and the DesignThinking Initiative (DTI). Jennifer has been a member of Staff Council since…Continue Reading
Category: Staff Council Profiles
Staff Council Profile: Mackenzie Table
Mackenzie “Kenzie” Table works in the Budget Office as a Budget Manager. She partners withdifferent areas of the College such as School for Social Work, Campus Life, Office of Equity andInclusion, and Enrollment. When she…Continue Reading
Staff Council Profile: Cathy Kearney
Cathy Kearney works in the Office of Alumnae Relations and Development, as the AssistantDirector of Milestone Reunions. She works with the 25th and 35th reunion cycles of Smithies,partnering with the class volunteers to increase engagement,…Continue Reading
Staff Council Profile: Chris Shea
Chris Shea works in the Events Management Office as the Events & Scheduling SystemsAdministrator. He serves as the primary point of contact for all things related to 25Live, servesas a space/event scheduler for many locations…Continue Reading
Staff Council Profile: Kai Devlin
Kai Devlin has been involved with Smith for 18 years as a student, an alum, and now a staff member. As the CRM Administrator & Marketing Lead in Information Technology Services, he will be the…Continue Reading
Staff Council Profile: Laura Gomez
Laura Gomez, Administrative Coordinator at the Lewis Global Studies Center, is in her first term on Staff Council. Laura has worked at Smith College for five years and is the Chair of the Communications Committee.…Continue Reading
Staff Council Profile: Abril Navarro
Abril Navarro, Instructional Technologist, is in her first term on Staff Council. Abril is part of the Learning, Research and Technology Team located in Neilson Library. Abril started at Smith College in August 2020, during…Continue Reading
Staff Council Profile: Andrea Fernandes
Andrea Fernandes, Director of Events Management, is in her first term on Staff Council. Andrea has worked in the Events Management Office at Smith College for eight years and is the Co-Chair of the Activities…Continue Reading
Staff Council Profile: Caroline Bertrand
The Activities Committee, co-chaired by Caroline Bertrand and Andrea Fernandes, “organizes events to foster community among staff and tries to coordinate events that give staff opportunities to meet up with friends in other areas of…Continue Reading