On the Scene: Cider and Donuts

A new flavor joined the party at the Staff Council’s annual cider and donuts event, held this year in October on the lawn in front of Lily Hall. Staff Council Co-chair Andrea Fernandes said the group decided to mix pumpkin flavor in with their usual order of 400 donuts from Atkins Farms Country Market. The move was a popular one, with all donuts disappearing by the end of the event.

Co-chair Caroline Bertrand noted that attendance was much higher this year than in the past and praised council members’ efforts to publicize the event. She noted that there had been a recent push to welcome staff members from a wider range of campus departments, which seems to have paid off. Staff in leadership positions were also particularly encouraged to attend.

“Staff comment on a regular basis that it makes a difference when they see leadership at events,” said Bertrand. “I think it humanizes staff in leadership positions if you see them out, having cider donuts and chit-chatting.”