Kai Devlin has been involved with Smith for 18 years as a student, an alum, and now a staff member. As the CRM Administrator & Marketing Lead in Information Technology Services, he will be the first to tell you that this is a fancy way of saying he helps with all things Salesforce at Smith. More specifically, Kai works with departments across campus to improve and streamline their email marketing practices, implement efficient marketing tools, and manage marketing data. He takes great pride in translating complex technical concepts into user-friendly guidance.
As a student, Kai was active across campus. He chaired the House Presidents’ Association, Transcending Gender, and the Celebration Committee; served as House President for Talbot House; worked in the Student Affairs office, Campus Center, and summer ResLife; and still managed to find time for homework. In true Smithie fashion, Kai jumped at the chance to continue serving the Smith community by joining Staff Council in 2023 and currently serves as the co-chair of the VIBE (Value, Inclusion, Belonging, and Equity) committee with Lorelei Erisis.
Outside of Smith, Kai leads an adult LGBTQ+ bowling league and runs two softball teams with his spouse, Emily (who works in Alumnae Relations and Development). He is also an avid aquarium design enthusiast, epic fantasy writer, and lover of audiobooks. If you ever hop on a Zoom call with him, you will likely meet his two feline children, Swag and Tato.