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Yes, this is a teen audio guide for the Smith College Museum of Art. Yes, we all know those are always better than the adult guides. So feel free to use away, adults!

Many of these audio stops are suitable for younger children, but others are not. Adults should read the audio transcriptions before allowing children to listen.


This project came about from the MUX 300 course, the capstone to the Museums Concentration at Smith College.

I have been interested in museums from a young age. As a kid, I loved going to museums with my mother and grandmother. It was something special that just the three of us did together. In museums, they spoke to me as an adult, as someone with interesting thoughts and valid opinions.

To this day, just chatting about art is my favorite part about going to museums. Museum visits are the most fun for me when I can learn from someone else’s perspective. For my capstone project, I wanted to create conversation in the gallery, even for solo visitors.

For this guide, I enlisted the help of my fellow classmates and friends to tell me about their favorite artworks at the Smith College Museum of Art. This guide is the record of the honest, insightful, and funny stories they told me about those works.

Visitors can listen to as many or as few stops as they want, in any order. I encourage visitors to let themselves explore the galleries, guided only by personal interest. Enjoy!

About the Creators

Laura Green – This is my Museums Concentration Capstone project. I am a senior at Smith College from Los Angeles, California. I will be moving to the D.C. area with the hopes of working in museum education, public programs, or community outreach.

Alice Matthews– A senior Art History and Italian Studies double major and Museums concentrator at Smith College from Fort Worth, Texas.

Tara Sacerdote– A senior Art History major and Museums concentrator at Smith College from Lawrence, Kansas.

Annabella Boatwright – A senior Studio Art major and Museums concentrator at Smith College from Dallas, Texas. She is a Student Museum Educator at SCMA.

Kate Hanks – A senior American Studies major and Museums concentrator at Smith College from San Jose, California. She is a Student Museum Educator at SCMA.

Russel Altamirano – Post-Bac Fellow in Museum Education at SCMA. She graduated from University of California Riverside in 2016 with a major in Art History.

Shanice Bailey – Post-Bac Curatorial Fellow at SCMA. She graduated from Smith College in 2017 with a major in American Studies.