Karen Project: Part 3

Karen Project: Part 3

Deviser’s Note

With the rise of the “Karen,” we must ask ourselves how do we participate in, contribute to, or see in our communities this Karen effect. By putting the words and sentiments of certain privileged women into the mouths of students of differing identities, we hoped to give a new context to better criticize and understand the rise of entitlement and self-centeredness in our country.

Deviser’s Note

This project came out of real observations of people in the town I live in. I found myself bewildered by the way these people talked and interacted, and by the conversations they had.

Welcome to a glimpse into the white, upper class bubble that is New Canaan, CT. A town described to me once as “frat boys and Wall Street men”. But that’s not all. I would argue there’s a permeating female presence too. One trapped in a world of enormous wedding rings, Porsche SUVs and family competition.

Stay a while.

The Karen Project is a 4-part series. Also see the Prologue, Part 1, and Part 2.

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