In class we discussed about what people wrote in their assignment one. Most people seemed to agree that to use the word ‘transformation’ when evaluating someone’s study abroad experience was not right. Not everyone is going to be transformed by their experience. They will be affected in some way but to suddenly say their 4 months abroad will definitely change the way in which they view the world is overrated. Study abroad offices should not be looking for transformation from their students but rather the effect of the journey on their lives. We talked about how time is perceived differently. Some countries are monochronic which means they focus on one thing at a time. While others are polychronic, multi-taskers. The perception of time can influence the way a person does things like how long they will take to do something, if they are task-oriented or not, if they are late or early to a meeting. I feel that no matter what your country or cultural perception on time is, one has to always adapt to other countries sense of time because they don’t want people laughing at them or misunderstanding. In this course I’m learning a lot. I think I’m learning to not just see myself in a space but to see others as well. To recognize why someone might do something that I don’t do. Before I was very ignorant about how others thought and what influenced their behaviors. I thought if they aren’t acting like me or acting like an ‘American’ then they are acting wrong. But now I get that not everyone will act the same or eat the same. This course is really helping me see outside of my own culture.