Bella Tseeva

Bella Assignment #3

I feel like this class has opened my mind to so many new concepts that I was not aware of (intercultural communication,Intercultural Competence, Stereotypes, cultural shock, nonverbal communication). It also made me question my cultural values and beliefs, brainstorming about my cultural values allowed me to be more aware of my culture, but at the […]

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Reflection #3

This article made me again think about how complex cultures are, also made me ponder on my behavior. I have noticed all these aspects (facial expressions, proxemics, gestures, eye contact, paralinguistics, voice quality, silence, and chronemics) across cultures, but never knew the terminology it was given, the importance it had and that there were actual […]

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Bella Assignment #2

Before coming to the US I heard a lot of different stereotypes such as Americans being loud and big, loving fast food, and talks about sports and politics. Most of these were coming from TV shows and American movies and news. As a Russian, I also encountered a lot of stereotypes about these two countries […]

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Reflection #2

Learning about different theories of intercultural communication and models of culture in the past couple of classes broaden my horizons on better understanding how the word “culture” is and how much is there still to learn and understand about it. I guess this class is helping me a lot in realizing that there are so […]

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Assignment 1

In the article by Vande Berg, I found interesting this concept of “Three Master Narratives”, because I never thought about the importance of the approach that creators of study abroad programs take when planning them. It made me question do we learn more when in a “learning through experience” or “being immersed” approach? In my […]

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Reflection #1

Before studying in an international college my opinion regarding culture was most likely around the top of the iceberg. I thought the food, language, music, dance, art, and many other aspects defined a culture. However, I never realized the full deepness of a culture, how much there is to understand, the beliefs, values, and emotions. […]

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