Non-verbal communication has always played a rather significant role in my life. Throughout high school, I participated in numerous theatrical productions, and therefore, was accustomed to using various gestures and facial expressions to express my emotions. However, I never realized how often I rely on my face to reveal certain aspects of my disposition. Many tell me that I am very easy to read, particularly when I am upset. Additionally, for me, eye contact is an essential means of nonverbal communication. When I am telling a story, or, if I am listening to one, I always try to be an active participant in order to display politeness. To me, inattentiveness equates to ambivalence and apathy. This article struck me, mainly due to its discussions concerning perceptions of gestures. It is often difficult to remember that gestures differ internationally, and sometimes even regionally, because they come so naturally to us. However, we must educate ourselves in order to lessen the miscommunication that inevitably occurs when abroad. The article pinpointed a lesson necessary to understand; the gestures we believe are inherently “normal” can seem radically abnormal to others; in fact, normal is merely an illusion, due to innate cultural differences.
April 9, 2018 — 0