I entered this class blindly, with little understanding as to what I should expect. I have traveled abroad previously and am passionate about language learning. I felt relatively comfortable with my communication skills and my ability to interact with those from cultures unlike my own. However, I am very thankful for having taken this class. I learned so much more about myself, and the ways in which I present myself when abroad. Furthermore, I was educated about both high and low context cultures, and the ways in which they differ. We live in an individualistic country; oftentimes we fail to look upon our own actions critically, and hence do not think of our impacts upon a larger community. Resultantly, we find ourselves ignorant with regard to cultural differences. This class has allowed me to acknowledge my own sense of ignorance, and has given me the confidence to approach all individuals in any given country. Although there is always a fear of failure, specifically when speaking a new language, I’ve learned that it is important to not conceal my American-ness, but rather, convey it such that I enter seemingly “foreign” situations with a willingness to make mistakes and learn from them. I now feel comfortable greeting and sustaining a conversation with any person I might encounter abroad, despite any language, gestural, or cultural barriers I might endure. Additionally, I will strive to be a constant learner; and will try my hardest to become an active participant in any given country without losing myself completely.