I feel like this class has opened my mind to so many new concepts that I was not aware of (intercultural communication,Intercultural Competence, Stereotypes, cultural shock, nonverbal communication). It also made me question my cultural values and beliefs, brainstorming about my cultural values allowed me to be more aware of my culture, but at the same time it was an unique experience to explore how American students assess their cultural values and to see the differences. I also recognized that culture plays a huge role and that there is so much in it (the ice berg analogy). I was interesting to see that time which is so universal can be interpreted in opposite ways in different cultures (US be punctual, at home there are no such thing as punctuality), this made me be more culturally aware. Therefore, intercultural communication skills are very important, so that we avoid stereotypes and judgments.
Regarding “I can statements”, I feel like the presentations were very helpful, not only I become more knowledgeable about education in Oman, Historical events in Armenia, Spanish and French Cinema, China’s One Child Policy, learn more about Denmark; but also explore a topic that interests me a lot which is Education. I feel like now I am able to talk about the Education System in China and explain all its details, in addition to that I am able to answer to questions others might rise. The presentations we had about Education System in Denmark, France and Korea, made me be able to describe similarities and differences, compare and contrast, the different types of education systems. This class taught me how to do research on a particular area of my interest, so that I can hold a conversation. Also, I have understood many instances regarding US culture, while listening to my classmates sharing their opinions.