Butch/femme originated from community. Friendships among and between femmes and butches have always been essential to the identity, as this was where strength grew in the fight for visibility. As these labels became more widespread, official societies and organizations formed, such as the Butch/Femme Society, which still exists today. These groups worked to host fundraisers and events that promoted lesbian health, wellness, and recreation. Butch/femme also moved into the academic world as those who had spent their younger years experimenting with the identity wrote about their involvement, reflected, and organized.
Butch Quarterly Fashion Show
NYC, 1998
Butch/Femme Conference
NYC, 1992
Dance Sponsored by the Butch/Femme Society
NYC, 1993
Invitation Sent to Joan Nestle
Butch/Femme Society Soirée Poster (Benefit for National Center for Lesbian Rights)
San Francisco 1990
Butch/Femme Society Soirée Poster (Benefit for Lyon Martin Clinic)
Year Unknown