5 thoughts on “Week 5 Takeaways

  1. Looking back, this week was helpful for me to figure out when my essay was done and when more edits would no longer be useful to my work– I probably could have worked on this piece forever, but at a certain point, that would have been detrimental, and I’m happy where it ended up.

  2. I think the workshopping was very helpful because I learned how to give better feedback after listening to everyone else’s comments. I originally focused more on surface level stuff, such as sentence structure and grammar, instead of really digging into the deeper meaning of each piece. Now I know how to give more insightful feedback for future workshops.

  3. Throughout this week, I learned how to incorporate feedback into my essay and to ask questions regarding any concerns I have with that feedback. I was able to chop up some parts of it and add some necessary information to convey the message of the piece. I also took my advice from the previous week and inserted my voice rather than portraying myself as a bystander in my own story.

  4. This week was very helpful, I took into account all of the comments and feedback that I received during workshop. I believe that it changed my writing piece a lot and made it better in many ways. Overall, I appreciated the time to ask questions and have new ideas to implement into my nonfiction story.

  5. This week I learned how to reorganize and chop apart my essay and then put the pieces back together. It was very interesting to see how changing the order of previously established sentences could create a tone and complete shift the mood of my story.

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