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Question One

What were your preconceived ideas of VR before coming here today? How did your experience today change those?

Response from a Sticky Note on the scene:

"I knew about VR but I couldn't understand how immersive it could feel, even with simple graphics. I was amazed by how real it felt, especially when interacting with other people."

I had used VR a couple of times before, but they were only short instances where I either just observed something or interacted with a few elements.

During the disc golf game, I really felt immersed in the game. At one point, I was trying to throw the disc upwards to get it up a hill, and accidentally hit the ceiling with the remote in my hand. I wasn't even aware of the space outside of me at this point, so much so that I was not aware of the limitations of the space (including the height of the ceiling) so I really found this experience to be something completely new and more immersive and interactive then I thought possible.