Adding a Zine with PDF Viewer

You can embed a PDF directly in a WordPress post or page, allowing a viewer to look at a Zine, magazine, or other document, like a scan of historical letter. To embed a PDF, you’ll need to use the Embed PDF.js viewer block. If you can’t find the Embed PDF.js Viewer block in the block inserter, reach out to us for help.

Adding the Embed PDF.js Viewer block

  1. Open the page or post where you’d like to add your PDF
  2. Open the Block inserter by selecting the Block Inserter button
  3. Search for PDF, then choose Embed PDF.js Viewer
    The WordPress block inserter displaying the Embed PDF.js Viewer block
  4. The PDF.js Embed block will be added to the editor

Adding your PDF

Once you have the Embed PDF.js Viewer block added, you can add your PDF.

  1. Select the Choose PDF button in the top corner of the block
    The PDF.js Embed block with a red arrow indicating the Choose PDF button
  2. When the Select or Upload Media box opens, drag and drop your PDF into the window or choose Select File to upload your PDF.
  3. After your PDF has finished uploading, make sure the checkbox in the upper right corner is selected and then choose the Select button in the lower right corner.The Media library and submit button

Success! Your PDF is now embedded in your post, but you’ll need to preview your page to look at it.

How to Preview your PDF

  1. Choose the Preview icon (the laptop next to publish).
    The preview option in the wordpress toolbar
  2. Choose Preview in new tab to open a new window.
    Choose the Preview in a new tab link
  3. Your PDF should be visible in the new window.

Adding a transcript using the Details block

You can include a transcript of your zine using the Details block, which allows you to create an accordion or dropdown feature with content that your viewer can open and close. You can also control whether the transcript is open or closed when a visitor first looks at your page.

To add the details block

  1. Navigate to your WordPress post or page.
  2. Use the Add Block icon to open the block inserter and search for Details to add the Details block.
    The block inserter with the Details block highlighted
  3. The details block will be added to your post.

You can find more information on configuring the Details block at Details Block on